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r2k-in-the-vortex t1_j1qu1m7 wrote

Rate of technological advancements is actually pretty damn fast these days, it's simply that you might not quite realize what those "minor improvements" actually involve. Or even properly notice them because of how gradual they are. How about you try living with a phone or a computer form 10-20 years ago for a while, with software from that era. See how you like it.

You might not realize, but for a period in history, ours is absolutely exceptional. You can expect every single year that improved technology will be released to the market and absolutely it will happen. Some improvements minor, some bigger, but the improvements are constant and broad.

Any company that wants to stay relevant has to make constant gains in product and process development. If you try to do what you did a decade ago in the way you did it back then, it's financial suicide, you can't stay in competition like that. In contrast, our forefathers went their entire lives without a single noteworthy technological innovation getting developed.