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Surur t1_j1tvdkz wrote

> It means being able to make decisions and learn on its own

That is a pretty low hurdle to cross. I think you need to set the bar a bit higher.


StreetBookRandoNumbr t1_j1tvx1l wrote

No I don’t. It’s called the Turing Test.


Surur t1_j1twub4 wrote

Most people think the Turning test is not a good enough test these days, as it's too easy for computers to pass just by faking it.

What differentially AI from humans at this point is that, while AI may be good at individual elements of intelligence, humans are the only ones where these are all integrated - the difference between narrow and general intelligence.

Humans are the only GI at the minute, and the goal of some AI research is Artificial General Intelligence. Some people think we are less than 10 years from that.