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Azihayya t1_j1tccg5 wrote

Humanity will be a theater, and there will be a theater of a many great other beings. The entire planet will become an intelligent lifeform--many of the great human myths born from humanity will become a reality. Life will become peaceful and harmonizing, to the greatest degree possible. Intelligent constructs will undertake great endeavors in outer space. The very nature of life will be altered, and there will be solutions for every problem of the past. Great minds will undertake an anthropology of the human mind; what we once understood as impossible will be a reality, and this will entail a scientific exploration into human passions. Our understanding of heaven will adapt, so that when we achieve our vision of heaven we will have something greater to aspire to.

Transhumanism is upon us, and we have to reckon with the consequences of living in a world where we can choose what to be. A world where human labors are obsolete, and where immortality is a choice. What evolves beyond humanity, in the advent of superintelligence, will be a matter of survival; the guiding law behind everything--not just biological fitness--is that only the fittest survive. Many presume this means "might makes right", but it's much more reasonable to suggest that "compassion makes right", as compassion is an enduring feature of survival. Those new beings will exceed humanity in ways that define our limitations--birthing canals wide enough to support the size of an infant's skull / two forward facing eyes / an orientation towards gravity / as well as all of the psychological faculties that support human survival.

Humanity, in this world of the future, is a choice--not a given; and there is no doubt that there will be many who do choose to remain as humans. Projects that support humanity and human dreams. This is why I say that humanity will be a theater. Others will choose to alter themselves in subtle ways: changing the color of the skin, having feathers, elf ears, etc.