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FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0beou7 wrote

I wanted to post this here because there seems to have been confusion about whether or not this was actually a breakthrough and what it means short and long term for the work scientists and engineers are doing to bring us nearly unlimited clean energy. I hope this clears up a few things for some (including myself.)


DonManuel t1_j0bgrlb wrote

Nuclear energy, fission or fusion, is still a technology causing more problems than it can solve. In general a centralized expensive and complex high tech is seen as outdated by many. Decentralized cheap low tech is much more resilient, safer and easier to adopt globally in the poorest countries too.


FuturologyBot t1_j0bi4lg wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/FarmhouseFan:

I wanted to post this here because there seems to have been confusion about whether or not this was actually a breakthrough and what it means short and long term for the work scientists and engineers are doing to bring us nearly unlimited clean energy. I hope this clears up a few things for some (including myself.)

Please reply to OP's comment here:


TheZimmerian t1_j0bis22 wrote

What decentralised, low-tech, and cheap power source do you propose should be used instead that also has little to no emissions as well as running stable 24/7 while not being bound to its location's weather or environment?


DonManuel t1_j0bjwny wrote

> running stable 24/7 while not being bound to its location's weather or environment?

Nothing anyone really is needing basically. The transition to 100% renewable energy from many sources including storage is actually happening. Mainly because big power and money, aka government and corporations, already have understood that this is the only viable future. High tech fans from the social web can't change that.


Zilreth t1_j0bl6e6 wrote

Never thought I would see anti-fusion sentiment in this sub. It is the literal endgame of energy generation and would enable so many things technologically. Not sure how you can think that wouldn't be worth it in the long run.


DonManuel t1_j0blnsp wrote

That's because like many enthusiasts you reduced your opinion on favorable aspects only, ignoring all economic, scientific and technological problems - such as obviously your sources.
A reddit comment of course cannot be sufficient to compensate for all that lack of knowledge.


saltyhasp t1_j0bmhko wrote

Finally an article that admits that yes we are at least 2 orders of magnitude and probably more from anything close to true break even in the energy generation sense. So hard to find any article that admits that.

Until one gets to break even in the holistic sense this is just a curiosity. 2 to 3 orders of magnitude is a long way to go.


DonManuel t1_j0bqpd6 wrote

Well, if you follow the link about neutron radiation it says

> Neutrons may be emitted from nuclear fusion or nuclear fission,

You really think you are the informed person here capable to research such a complex topic?


Lolwat420 t1_j0btv84 wrote

I don’t think weather dependence should be such a priority. Produce excess and store it for the proverbial rainy day. Long term average calculations can be done to negate irregularities


Not_Buying t1_j0bw1e9 wrote

If “government and corporations” have understood that, then why are billions still being invested to research fusion? It’s because they all know that it’s the end-game for the future of humanity. It’s those people that have poured decades of blood, sweat and tears into this … not randos on social media.

They have already said the recent experiment demonstrates the viability of the concept and lays the groundwork for further research. The scientists tackling the venture already know the existing designs need to be refined, the drivers become more efficient, etc for the technology to become commercially feasible, and it will take many years.

Innovation of this scope and potential does not happen if scientists look at the breadth of the challenges in front of them, and throw up their hands in defeat.


erics75218 t1_j0bwahk wrote

I thought I read that this order of mag...was a HUGE jump from the previous. This poster was staring this as an indicator of faster advancements over time.

So like 10 years to .2 then 5 to 1....2 to 2....1 to 3...?? The dream I guess


FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0bycjz wrote

It's good to have realistic expectations, but I saw a lot of people shooting this breakthrough down right away. No, we will not have commercialized fusion power in 5 or 10 years but it's coming. I was surprised to learn that the facility is using somewhat outdated tech and am excited for more advancements and investments in the infrastructure of the facility, which is justified by this pretty big step forward.


throwawayfghtyu t1_j0bzpnv wrote

More than that, the NIF is for weapons research and will never produce electricity and is never planned to. And if we were to break even with energy in/out, our current best way to turn it into electricity is to use the heat to boil water and spin a turbine, which is at most about 33% efficient. So if this reactor meant to break even with electricity it'd need about a 300x improvement. For actual usable electricity at the end, even more.

It's an improvement for sure but the headlines are for bringing in money and generating hype. We are still a good distance away from making fusion viable.


TouchCommercial5022 t1_j0c06pr wrote

Does this announcement mean fusion as a power source is near? I love NIF and think they do great science, but fusion has long suffered from being too promising so we need to make sure we have a appropriate context for these results.

I mentioned in the main post that NIF takes about 400 MJ per shot to power the bulbs that pump the laser material, this produces a 4 MJ IR laser pulse which is frequency converted to a 2 MJ UV laser pulse. This obviously means that the 3.15 MJ is obviously not greater than the total energy expended on the system. Huge gains in energy efficiency can certainly be achieved in the laser, as efficiency was not the goal, but this will absolutely be necessary along with a huge gain in experiment throughput, likely comparable to the 2500% breakthrough achieved last year. past. . They may have it in them, we'll have to wait.

Obviously, the energy is not recovered. A working Fusion plant needs some sort of energy recovery system, normally thought of as a lithium shell that absorbs neutrons, heats water into steam to drive the turbines, and as a bonus produces tritium fuel for its reactor.

NIF can do about 1 shot a day, at 3MJ per shot, which works out to something like 30 watts. A power plant using inertial confinement fusion (ICF) will probably need to fire several shots per second. In reality, this is an extremely complicated task that requires a complete rethink of the entire machine.

Related, shots are extraordinarily expensive. Last I heard it was $60k a shot, but I suspect that's out of date. Ice pellets need to be perfect, just like gold holraum, and being tiny, they are extremely expensive to craft. The level of quality control must also be extremely high, the non-linearity of the compression wave traveling through the pickup presents a ridiculous physical challenge. As such, I expect there to be a lot of variation between experiments due to small imperfections or differences between the pickup and the pulse shape.

Those are the main caveats about this experiment, though there are definitely others.

How ​​about the tokamaks?

I want to compare this to similar results from tokamaks that are compared in the relevant news articles, usually the fusion experiments people are most familiar with. I've worked on tokamaks for years and as such probably has an inherent bias. I have a bias in the degree to which I am informed about the various machines.

The Joint European Torus (JET) holds the record in terms of energy going out to energy going into tokamaks. In tokamaks, this ratio is called the Q value.

Aside from the value of q – Many news articles calculate the q of NIF and compare it to tokamaks, which is inappropriate in my opinion. In tokamaks, the q value is defined as the ratio between the heating power alpha (energy produced by fusion reactions that is trapped in the machine) and the heating power input. The reason this is used is due to a simple idea: if I'm needing 25 MW of external heat to keep a reactor at a given temperature, I could replace it with 25 MW of internal heat and keep it the same temperature. In practice the whole thing is much more complicated and probably means that you always need at least some of the external heat. We call the situation, where there are 25MW internal and 25MW external, Q=1.

There are two ways energy is emitted in DT fusion where D+T -> He + n, the alpha power (or the energy of the helium nucleus) remains trapped in the tokamaks but the energy imparted to the neutron escapes the magnetic field towards the environment. In DT fusion, about 80% of the energy goes to the neutrons and escapes the reactor, so if you had 25 MW of alpha power, you would have 100 MW of neutron power. You use alpha power to keep your plasma hot, and you use the neutrons in your steam turbines for power.

In NIF, they don't need the alpha power because the reaction is not self-sustaining, and in fact there is no magnetic field, so everything just as easily escapes to be used anyway (although the alpha radiation is obviously collected by the machine walls rather than requiring an external blanket). This means that when NIF cites an energy output, it means alpha + neutron combined.

Ok, with that out of the way, I have no problem with NIF using full energy instead of alpha power because it makes a lot of sense, but when this is compared to MCF experiments that only quote alpha power, it makes hairs. in my neck rises.

back on topic. So JET got a q value of about 0.7 in 1996 when they did DT campaigns, they got about 17 MW of alpha power from 25 MW of external heating. JET are currently running DT campaigns again but they are focused on sustained power production and with massive upgrades in the intervening years to the neutral beam heating system now producing around 30 MW alpha for 45-50 MW external heating . for an aq of about 0.6 (but held for about 6-8 seconds).

ITER, the next-generation tokamak experiment, is tentatively expected to produce around 500 MW from 50-60 MW of heating, but with those experiments 10 years from now, it remains to be seen how close they get to that goal.

I mentioned the 400 MJ power budget to pump the laser and it's true that JET has additional power costs as well. The magnets only use 800MW to power themselves! However, there is a much clearer path (in my opinion) to reduce this cost, since the superconducting magnets in ITER and other experiments bring the power needed for the magnets to almost 0 and the other energy sinks are trivial in comparison. There is no comparable reduction available for lasers on ICF machines which must always pump inefficiently.

In a broader sense, the steady-state nature (well, we can hope that one day they will be) of tokamaks makes the path to power generation clearer. In my opinion, ICF just has a few more bumps in the road (and they're really big bumps, too).

I have rambled too long and my fingers are cold so I definitely have to end this comment here and I definitely have to end this on the positive note that I love NIF and have seen some amazing results but the title hogs it. "positive energy fusion reaction" doesn't do it for me. With no clear path to the next step (a demonstration power plant), it seems almost irrelevant to me how much backlash produces, though I grudgingly admit that it helps the pooling of funds to have these stories.

We've been able to create fusion reactions for a long time, but only now can we create one that produces more energy than it takes to start it.

This is huge because if we're going to use fusion as an energy source, obviously that's only possible if the reaction creates more energy than it consumes.

The reason this matters is that commercially available fusion reactors would solve many of our problems at once. As fuel, it uses hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe and which we can easily and cheaply get from air or water, and produces helium, which is safe for humans (plus, we're running out of it and need it for various applications industrial), and tritium, which is MUCH, MUCH less dangerous than fission reactor byproducts, and has a very short half-life (12 years compared to 24,000 years for plutonium-239), so it decays quickly and doesn't really need to be stored forever.

Edit to add: Also, fusion reactors can't have runaway reactions like Chernobyl, Fukushima, or Three Mile Island. The reaction simply stops when you stop the process, which is another big safety advantage.

We are not yet at the point of producing net power from fusion. That is made up of 3 separate milestones: On (when the reaction produces more energy than it uses, i.e. it self-heats), Scientific Breakeven (when it produces more energy than the systems direct input, i.e. the lasers ) and engineering break-even point (when it produces more power than is used by all the necessary systems, i.e. things that power the lasers and keep everything running). This is the second, the first was cleared in February. The third is unfortunately a long way off, because lasers are terribly inefficient. And then it would take to the point of commercialization it would take decades and decades of development and advancement that would gradually decrease its efficiency until it was better than everything else

It is a great achievement, but there is still a lot of work to be done;

☑️ The Fusion Energy Output must be greater than the Fusion Energy Input.

☐ The output of the melt, reduced by the efficiency of the steam turbine, must be greater than the input.

☐ The process must be cheap enough to be economically viable.

☐ To scale, we need a cheap and energy efficient way to create fuels, deuterium and tritium.

Pretty sure we're still a few decades away from generating net power to the grid. So in the short term it means spending a lot more money on research while nobody does much about climate change.

…I'm not saying we don't spend money on fusion research, I'm just saying it would be nice if we did more to prevent a climate apocalypse. Fusion probably won't scale over time.

They've figured out a way to make fusion happen with net energy, so logically positively the next step is to figure out how to harness it. It's still going to take a long time for that breakthrough to arrive.

I think it's similar to when the Wright brothers determined the basic conditions needed to generate flight, they narrowed the scope of variables for everyone else. In 70 years, humanity went from being unable to fly to putting a man on the moon. I'm still young enough to get to experience a significant part of how the merger will affect humanity, and I'm fucking excited!


largo_che t1_j0c6eej wrote

Commenting for reach + the website is kinda cool too!


throwawayfghtyu t1_j0caoze wrote

Is up-to-date tech anywhere near the 300x efficiency needed in comparison to break even? And because this experiment has the most return on input so far, are electricity-geared reactors even further off considering this one is purely for weapons research? I still don't understand the point you're making, is this supposed to be an optimistic viewpoint you're proposing?


saltyhasp t1_j0cappd wrote

If you think laser fusion is anything more then science, then maybe worthwhile. Personally I doubt that it is. There are a lot of other approaches that seem more sane.


FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cbs4o wrote

Are you making assumptions about the viability of advancements based on tech you know nothing about? Seems like a bad bet. You also think that this type of advancement can't be used in conjunction with other fusion tech to provide power? Another bad bet. I'm so sorry you hate progress. Have a day.


throwawayfghtyu t1_j0ccgk7 wrote

I just saw you've had this argument with others and use the same "read the article again" approach and general dismissive attitude toward anyone who doesn't hold the same opinion. Look, you can be optimistic and proud of progress all you want, I think fusion research is great. But you can't buy into the hype train either. We've got a long way to go, and we'll get there a lot sooner if people can actually work together and not be dicks to each other about the actual state of progress thus far. Have a good day.


Carbidereaper t1_j0cex48 wrote

Different fusion reactions produce different fusion byproducts. Some produce neutrons protons or gamma rays or alpha particles. Deuterium tritium fusion is just a stepping stone to something bigger


FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cgsfz wrote

It's insane. It's like they want a complete up and running 9000% efficiency, world powering fusion reactor, or nothing. I don't understand why fusion breakthroughs get so much hate here. I posted this very tame and easy to understand article that shows both sides of the discussion to hopefully quell that type of talk but it hasnt helped. People just yelling about the headline without reading the article. People are chomping at the bit to just hate on it.


Zilreth t1_j0ch6qv wrote

yeah i mean it really is just a matter of time and considering the scale of impact it would have on humanity I'm surprised it doesnt get at least 10-100x the current amount of funding.


TomatoMasterRace t1_j0chf3k wrote

Would it make any sense at all to manufacture lithium using fusion reactors? (Hydrogen + helium = lithium)


Thatingles t1_j0chv1t wrote

What are your thoughts on SPARC? I understand the magnets they are using are potentially much better for confinement than the ones ITER is planning on using, and with the advances in maintaining a plasma made by JET I think SPARC have a good chance of making a serious dent in the timelines.


FarmhouseFan OP t1_j0cjpda wrote

I think that any opportunity we have to produce a sustained fusion reaction and rid ourselves of fossil fuels is worthwhile. Diversity in this field can only be a good thing. SPARC is a kind of tokamak correct? MIT usually has smart people working on things, im optimistic about fusion. Seems like the frequency of good news surrounding fusion tech has increased in the passed 10 years as well. Let's keep going. I'm a high school graduate so the highly technical discussions surrounding this is beyond me but articles like this one make it easier for me to understand where we're headed, and I love learning about this type of stuff.


redditdeigas t1_j0cof1p wrote

Physicists hoping for a Tesla, got round rock with hole in middle instead.


ItsAConspiracy t1_j0cogb1 wrote

The article does not say we're 2 to 3 orders of magnitude away. It does mention that we have much better lasers now.

NIF's lasers date back to the 1990s and are only 0.5% efficient. We have NIF-class lasers now that are over 20% efficient. That drops the input power to the lasers by a factor of 40.

So if NIF manages to increase the fusion output by a factor of ten, we can substitute modern lasers and have enough extra power to be net positive after running a turbine.


ItsAConspiracy t1_j0cowep wrote

First plasma at ITER got delayed several years because a big crack developed in something important. After first plasma it'll be a decade before they make their net power attempt with D-T fuel.

Luckily, CFS is building a much smaller reactor that should do the same thing, because they're using modern superconductors that support stronger magnetic fields. They actually should have it up and running in 2025, and don't plan to wait long before attempting net power.


ItsAConspiracy t1_j0cp7tc wrote

Yep SPARC is a tokamak. It's about a tenth the size of ITER, but should get the same output because they have better superconductors. Tokamak output scales with the fourth power of magnetic field strength: double the field, 16X the output.


TouchCommercial5022 t1_j0cptu3 wrote

What I find interesting is that we get so pessimistic when it takes longer than we would like to solve big problems in fusion technology. We have been working on fusion for about 60 years and we are convinced that we cannot immediately emulate and master the forces that occur in the core of a star.

We do not become cynical when it has taken more than a century to cure cancer. Fusion is the only technology I see where people joke that it will never happen despite constant improvements.

every time merger comes up, people just dismiss it as impossible and say it's a waste of time and money and we should invest in solar and wind power.

Humans are myopic. They forget that not long ago reaching space was impossible. Going at the speed of sound was impossible etc..

This is probably because fusion is basically useless until you get really, really good at it. People don't see steady progress over the decades.

Once you have a clear plan for getting your tritium, I'll be interested. Operating breeder reactors have been decreasing in number and it is not as easy to extract from the environment as it is with deuterium. There's a lot to be gained from a net positive fusion scheme when your fuel is limited by fission output.

in my opinion I feel that this undermines the discovery too much. Humanity is much more efficient at improving things than at creating things. It was only 60 years after we achieved the flight before landing on the moon. Half that time passed between the first CGI on screen and the first photorealistic film created entirely on a computer.

If this discovery is true, it will only be a matter of time before we figure out how to prolong the effect and make it more stable.

it's like saying humans would never use heavier-than-air planes for anything more than a novelty because the Wright brothers only flew for a few seconds

OF COURSE.. They do not claim that this is going to happen today or even in this decade. New technologies are developed in small steps. Without this demonstration, the merger would never be possible; heck, like you said, it still could never be possible. As a scientist, it's frustrating to hear cynicism about breakthroughs because the results aren't here today. Much of that blame falls on lazy science journalism. But this article does not claim that the merger is about to happen. It only highlights an interesting and important scientific achievement. Can't we be excited about that?

It was only about 5 years ago that we had a stable merger for the first time.

With all the reactors now working on the problem, I think things are looking pretty good.

That would be a complete game changer. After reading a few articles last year about the merger, it seemed like they were incredibly far from getting self-sustaining reactions, let alone getting a net energy gain.

I hope they can figure this out as much as possible, then refine it, reduce it, etc. etc.

Mastering fusion is a must to unlock true future technology, reducing energy tensions will also make the world more geopolitically stable.

Science is all about incremental progress. No one is going to build a perfect fusion reactor from scratch

We still have a long way to go towards economic viability, and it is unlikely that something like the NIF will ever lead to commercial reactors, but hopefully it will show that it is possible to reject public and private investment in nuclear fusion in its set.

This could be the momentum needed to get to the end of the race.


saltyhasp t1_j0crlto wrote

Using the numbers the article gave the current closed loop gain is about 1/357. Third laser efficiency is about 0.67%. Go to 20% laser efficiency is 30X. This brings the closed loop gain to 1/10.5. Improving the energy generated by 10X. You get to a closed loop gain just short of 1 at 0.95. So you need more then 10x. This assumes a 30% output to electricity conversion.


ItsAConspiracy t1_j0cv8bb wrote

The link I posted puts NIF laser efficiency at 0.5%. Either way, roughly one order of magnitude gets us over practical breakeven. Get to 20X and we've got a solid margin. Two orders of magnitude would be around 100X but we don't need to go near that far.


TheZimmerian t1_j0d00iu wrote

The problem I see with supporting the entire grid with renewables isn't just weather, it's scale.

Right now, the total power consumption of the planet is covered to about 60% by fossil fuels (rough estimate of the global average on my part), and billions if not trillions had to be invested in not one, not two, but all renewable energy sources to even achieve 30-40% of the global need (not to mention the enormous toll the production of all of that took on our planet's environment).

The global need is also rising as new, more powerful technologies emerge that require more power output. Unless renewable energy sees several more breakthroughs of similar magnitude as this current one in nuclear fusion, I have my doubts that it will be scalable enough to cover the entire globe's power needs.

That is ignoring already all the communities (totalling millions of people) worldwide where no renewable energy source is viable or suitable to cover the people's power needs; where fossil fuels would need to continue being used.

Fossil fuels have been used for more than a century. Currently, 35 billion tons are burned each year. An unfathomable number that exceeds the capabilities of human imagination. Each year. You could say fossil fuels would be damn near "renewable" themselves, if it weren't our main power source and we wouldn't be using billions of tons a year. Switching the entire grid to renewables only delays the inevitable in my opinion. At some point wind won't power our house appliances anymore. Solar won't cut it for our EVs anymore. Hydro is only available at coastlines and near huge rivers. Good spots to harness geothermal energy are even rarer to find. Not because of a lack of effor, or technological prowess on our part, but simply because we evolve too fast. Our planet's natural forces will not be able to support our growth and our tech indefinitely. It's a part of the equation that often goes ignored: our own, future tech advancements and the power they will consume. Wind is only so strong. Only so much UV light gets through our atmosphere. Only so much force is carried by a wave. Magma only gets so hot. It may work for 20, 40, maybe even 80 years, but then the cycle will repeat. We used to burn wood for energy, until we realised we're destroying ourselves with that. Then we burned coal and oil, and now we realise we're destroying ourselves with that. The same will happen again with renewables. The same might happen with fusion, but with enough luck, maybe it'll take a lot longer to happen than it would with 100% renewables.

Either we invent some never-before-seen, huge ass batteries, or we find a way to make fusion work. I don't see any other ways for us to make it to the next century.


regrettinglastweek t1_j0d4s7h wrote

These are all valid comments, but I would add that NIF was not designed for efficiency. Its primary purpose is as a research facility. Also, its laser technology is essentially 30 years old by now. Lasers have come a long way since then, and diode-pumped systems are significantly more efficient.

Getting break even in the sense of energy in vs energy out is a big deal, because this demonstrates scientific feasibility. There is no reason to think that this can’t be scaled or optimized. In fact only 2 years ago, peak yields were of order 150 kJ, so in that time the performance went up by ~20x.

This result has been compared to the Wright brother‘s demonstration of flight. And I think that comparison is appropriate. The first few flights were “only” 100 ft or so, which isn’t particularly useful, right? But it was the implication of that demonstration that changed the world. I really think the demonstration of the NIF results could have the same impact.


Thatingles t1_j0dn4hc wrote

I think SPARC has a shot; they are designing for sustained fusion and with the work already done at JET and other tokamaks they will be starting with great data on how to manage plasma.


Lolwat420 t1_j0dpfj4 wrote

The point Don was trying to make is that as the tech for renewable energy gets better, it would be possible to power your property given the land you have, making a centralized power source be unnecessary.

The market today is full of solar solutions that can get you completely off-grid, with the panels available today of only 20% efficiency or less. It’s not much of a stretch to imagine panels getting cheaper and more efficient as the tech grows, making them a standardized part of properties in the future. Houses used to be built without plumbing and electricity, but today we won’t even consider it a house without it.

It’s unlikely that densely populated areas like NYC will ever go without centralized power, but there is no reason why offshore wind, wave, or tidal energy can’t be implemented to offset the cost of outsourcing energy.

It’ll take some creativity, and basic economics, but we’ll work our way to nearly 100% renewables soon enough. Coal is well on its way out, regardless of what fat cats and politicians wanted. The same is happening in regards to electrifying transportation.

Just saying, “it’s never going to work” or “it’s not possible” when it comes to overcoming technical challenges has been proven wrong time and time again. There is no reason why going nearly 100% renewable should be any different. So I disagree with the fundamentals of your comment


davidmlewisjr t1_j0e2kyy wrote,+Livermore,+California,+USA

So Livermore’s laser array “NIF” dates from prior to 1982, when it was used as a filming site.

Their challenge has been repeatability and uniformity, the challenge is ongoing.

The state of art in Sci-Fi, as in the Rocinante’s ICF Fusion reactor are still Sci-Fi, as of the end of this week, and likely also this year.


chasonreddit t1_j0ea706 wrote

> Humans are myopic. They forget that not long ago reaching space was impossible. Going at the speed of sound was impossible etc..

While I agree with the sentiment, it's not really universally applicable.

The time between the first human flight, the Wright Bros. and the first lunar landing was 66 years. The first human initiated fusion reaction was over 70 years ago. ie. Space flight is doable. We know that.

I'm pretty old, I'm a science geek and have been reading my entire life that fusion is 20-30 years away. It is with luck. It may always be. It's more than just an engineering problem, I firmly believe it will take a fundamental breakthrough to solve if it is possible at all.

What I always have to ask is why? There is a huge fusion reactor not that far away, but far enough that it poses only minimal danger to us here. All we need to do is to collect the energy. Why re-invent the sun wheel?

The fuel is plentiful you say. All it needs is Hydrogen. Well really Deuterium. Well in this case Tritium which is much more rare than uranium. So even if we spend the billions trillions to build fusion plants we face an energy shortage.

I realize I am a Debbie Downer on /r/Futurology . But let's focus on what we can realistically do. There is power a plenty right out there. A very small fragment hits earth, yet that is what we are pinning a lot of hopes on right now. We should throw resources into space launch, SPSS, who know what else. We are limited to Earth resources, but not technically limited to Earth.

As I believe Jerry Pournelle once wrote: "It's raining soup out there and we are using spoons to catch it."


Ok_Occasion_180 t1_j0ehmv0 wrote

This issue is money and it will always be money. It’s very hard to have a constant funding source to achieve a goal that has a reputation of being 20-30 years off. Private money can only get you so far and after providing funding for outrageously expensive equipment, and the also creating a payroll for a staff of often highly educated individuals who no doubt require a large salary to keep them working on your project compared to some one else’s projects. They often get scratched or sold off to another dreamer hoping of changing the world. And government funded project have less of a chance of success due to limited funding and salaries options compared to private companies. Then political changes in most cases often result in reduced funding or cutting the entire program as a whole depending of the beliefs of the current parties political views or budgetary needs. I have worked for both private and public entities and both have a tight grip on where the money is spent and often it’s is not used correctly. locked up in salary disputes, creating useless positions that take up payroll or even projects that don’t have anything to do with the goal at all.


dewafelbakkers t1_j0ej222 wrote

Please help me understand why arguments for the viability of renewable energies can rely so heavily on "its possible to make the tech better, the tech gets better over time" but this phenomenon is never afforded to something like fission.

For the record I support both. It's just so bizarre to me to see people list out numerous problems with fission and say see that? See all the problems this tech has?

Theb when all the challenges associated with renewable energy are raised, the resounding response is "the tech will get better, just give it more time"


dewafelbakkers t1_j0ekc3d wrote

I'm just dropping in and didn't really read the rest of the back and forth between you two. But fusion and fission reactors result in neutron Flux. In fission energy and neutrons are released when atoms of fissile material in the fuel matrix split apart. In fusion reactions, hydrogen atoms fuse into helium, and energy and a neutron are released. When there are neutrons passing through a measure of space, you have a Flux. And high energy neutron Flux can activate certain materials when they pass through said Flux


Not_Buying t1_j0el5d6 wrote

Except fusion research is not just science for the sake of science. They didn’t spend 70,years on this just to see if they can do it. The return on investment is economic and national security.


dillrepair t1_j0eyixq wrote

For real. And it’s answered the misunderstanding I had about the announcement last year or whatever it was …that was “on”…. I hope this happens in my lifetime as far as power. We can do this.


dillrepair t1_j0ez1rv wrote

Seriously. If we put the effort where the effort is needed … fusion… cancer… antibiotics… education etc… we could do more. We have to stop allowing technological advances to be mostly under the control of people whose main goal is to make a profit. People who would just as soon spoon feed us pieces of advancement instead of allowing large leaps in societal well-being and freedom from want.


acidtalons t1_j0f2for wrote

Uranium is 9% of the cost to generate power in a fission plant. Turbines, containment, staff and maintenance make up 91% of the cost. Deuterium/Tritium fusion will produce significant neutron Flux which will require similar shielding to fission facilities (though to be fair less long term waste storage).

Even if it makes more heat you'll just need more turbines, tubing etc etc on the heat engine side.

Fission is costing 5x the cost of new solar and wind installs.

I don't see how this helps energy infrastructure and seems like it will be great for space or defense applications but the "future of limitless free power" seems to be overselling it (btw we did the same thing with fission in the 50s).


Human_Anybody7743 t1_j0g9let wrote

Wiki's source seems to be from 2007 when there was a massive Uranium price spike due to the highest grade mines getting flooded. Additionally enrichment methods have changed and it might not have included that.

World nuclear has it somewhere in the $2-5/MWh range.


Human_Anybody7743 t1_j0gaplk wrote

None whatsoever. The amount of material that a large (multi GW) fusion generator can fuse is on the order of a few to a few dozen kilograms a year.

Initial designs will need substantially more lithium than their fuel quantity because this is the source of tritium to run them (Lithium 7 + neutron -> He4 + H3 + neutron). There needs to be many tonnes so a neutron always hits some lithium, but the quantity is fairly insignificant given the scales involved.

To give a vague idea of the scales involved, fusing a couple hundred thousand tonnes of D + T would raise the temperature of the entire ocean by few degrees. The surface would essentially be a firestorm.

Sodium ion, zinc bromide, iron, or aluminium batteries are probably the answer to your query in decreasing order of maturity (Sodium ion is under mass production now and will be in some small chinese cars next year).

AlS or LiS batteries are the most exciting because the sulfur has multiple oxidation states giving them high enough energy density for applications like shipping or even short haul mass passenger flight. They're also the hardest because they desperately want to be something other than a charged LiS or AlS battery and have extremely high energy density and lots of options for doing so because Sulfur has multiple oxidation states. AlS has been used for multi day solar unmanned flights.


TheZimmerian t1_j0gs8wq wrote

I never said "it's never going to work" and neither did I say "it's not possible". From your response I can only conclude you didn't actually read what I wrote and simply took offense at me saying that renewables aren't the pinnacle of energy generation technology, followed by the recitation of the most common arguments pro-renewables, none of which I have attacked or disputed. I actually agree that renewables are worth investing in, despite my point about it likely not fulfilling the increasing energy needs in the future 20-80 years from now.

Five paragraphs spent to argue against a point I never made.


Lolwat420 t1_j0gucpj wrote

I apologize if I came off as rude, and I had no intention to start a fight or anything.

My point was that existing renewables technology can fulfill the energy needs of today, and in some instances whole cities can actually go a day or two entirely on renewables.

As energy demands increase in 20 to 80 years, renewables will also increase in potency, efficiency, and affordability. The argument you make that renewables can’t achieve this, is where I politely disagree with you.


Nimeroni t1_j0gutaf wrote

> What I always have to ask is why? There is a huge fusion reactor not that far away, but far enough that it poses only minimal danger to us here. All we need to do is to collect the energy. Why re-invent the sun wheel?

  1. Most of the Sun's energy is lost due to the atmosphere

  2. Solar panel don't work during night


chasonreddit t1_j0h6w3z wrote

Yes. It's a capital investment and bootstrap problem. But once you build enough infrastructure, you can build from materials already up there. Kind of like the proposed Mars missions. Lifting out of Earth's gravity well is a huge problem.

My point is solvable with current technology. Land based fusion is simply not at this point. Not after Trillions in investment in research units which will never produce power. You can throw a lot of stuff into space for that money. Unless you know of materials that can resist 15M degrees Celsius.


TheZimmerian t1_j0i3s6j wrote

Again, I didn't argue about today, and I didn't argue about the potency of the technology, as I've stated in my original comment:

>Not because of a lack of effort, or technological prowess on our part, but simply because we evolve too fast. Our planet's natural forces will not be able to support our growth and our tech indefinitely.

As I've already clarified, there is only so much energy in the forces our planet provides, and I believe it to be in the realm of possibility that we will surpass that maximum potential within the next 20 years at the earliest, within the next 80 at the latest.

The only tech we currently have that might be able to keep up is solar, and at this point we might as well create a dyson swarm. That would probably take less funding and less time than trying to make solar panels power the entire planet. What would likely take even less funding and even less time than that is making fusion work. I mean, fusion already is a emission free, near limitless "force of nature" if you will. Solar is just our current technological method for harnessing the fusion power of the sun.


Lolwat420 t1_j0in182 wrote

You can power 100% of the worlds energy needs with less that 5% of the area of the US. Solar is renewable, limitless, emission free energy. It’s getting cheaper, is being produced faster, and is well into the consumer market. The percentage of energy generated through renewables instead of fossil fuels is increasing exponentially. Meanwhile general technology is getting increasingly more energy efficient, and energy usage is marked as a global climate problem. All of which further drives the demand for renewable energy in all its forms.

I’m arguing that for just solar alone, we can hit energy independence, and it’ll be shockingly less challenging than you’re making it out to be