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guymine123 t1_j12jp1h wrote


cheapsandwitch10 t1_j12jv1x wrote

I can’t believe you’re using the slave argument here. Absolutely insane.


guymine123 t1_j12k3ol wrote

It is insane for someone to think that the subjugation and forced labor of a thinking and sapient being is not slavery?


cheapsandwitch10 t1_j12knls wrote

It’s a [redacted] computer! 😂 It’s not alive. It’s artificial. But have fun fighting for the justice’s of a computer… make sure they get dental and a 401k too while you’re at it.


turnip_burrito t1_j15qkjs wrote

Yes, it is crazy if the being is sapient but not sentient. All that matters imo is the ability to feel, not just its ability to compute.