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[deleted] t1_j251scm wrote

It's always so fucking weird to see people celebrating the slow privatization of space travel.

Like, this is a Sci fi sub, have these idiots EVER read a piece of science fiction literature?

Shit like this disgusts me.

I don't want Kim Kardashian staying at a "space Hilton" because it's a tiktok trend.


....the future is fucking grim, we've learned nothing.


ZDTreefur t1_j2584dr wrote

What's the problem with people enjoying space that aren't scientists? It's not like scientists won't also be in space.


[deleted] t1_j25cllr wrote

...because this shit will be built with public funds.

Just like SpaceX

SpaceX is "private" in name only, it was really largely funded by NASA.

The public is funding these privatization efforts, that the majority of us will never benefit from.

It's madness. We are throwing money at some of the richest people/organizations on planet earth, that they will own and control forever. now, American taxpayers subsidized the creation of SpaceX's rockets, but we don't control them.

NASA invested more money into SpaxeX than musk himself.

The American taxpayer is both SpaceX's largest investor AND consumer...yet, somehow, doesn't own/control the entity.

It's fucking insane. People should be outraged.


Tricky_Invite8680 t1_j26tqj3 wrote

public funds pay for services, even services you don't use nor are entitled too. the largest customers are governments for space travel now. the commercialization aims to shift that, shifting that also insulates the 'private companies' from large government budget swings. there are other US based rocket companies, SpaceX just won the bid. even NASA didn't build the original space proam machinery, it was contracted out, but those contractors were diverse aviation and industrial system companies. back then there was no practical thought of sending an everyman into space...ohh wait, I think that was Sally Ride, oops Christa Mcaullife was the teacher recruited as an astronaut, and might ve been a few others where NASA was trying to market the space program to the public so budgets didn't get cut doing science in space that has no monetization avenue at the time.


fuck-my-drag-right t1_j253ux9 wrote

I think you should just accept that there will be a keeping up with the Kardashians in space episode story arc.


madigasgar4 t1_j2577a7 wrote

I cant wait for them to break the internet from space.


[deleted] t1_j25d7dt wrote

And they'll be having some asinine conversation about their shallow relationships in 0g, totally bored by the experience.

...I'm already angry.


fuck-my-drag-right t1_j25drd0 wrote

You should try to avoid letting things out of your control upset you. But yeah your right about that


browtfareyoudoing t1_j28b7oh wrote

Any tips on how to do that? Awesome concept, but my monkey brain doesn’t like it.


ty944 t1_j25prl4 wrote

I get your point but that’s how it works.

Scientists have to be paid, and if they’re going to be paid with public funds, then there needs to be public interest so governments can fund it.

To drum up public interest, we send the TikTok celebs to space.


King_Kea t1_j25wxwf wrote

Honestly I agree but if things like "space Hilton" destinations are limited then what's the issue? As it stands most of the upcoming space stations in development are intended for scientists and engineers to use


[deleted] t1_j285qy9 wrote

This is how many industries start - a product or service for those than can afford it but eventually the price drops. Cars, televisions, air travel, computers, and hopefully in a few decades space travel.