Submitted by Primary-Food6413 t3_znyz00 in Futurology
Evipicc t1_j0nhsjw wrote
Reply to comment by Utahmule in Why the future of human workforce is manual labour by Primary-Food6413
Sorry but my field of study and work is automation, robotics and mechatronics... There is absolutely no competition between human and machine even right now, just price, let alone in the coming future with the myriad of breakthroughs in AI, material sciences and design.
Your point about not catching mistakes is also just flat out wrong. There are entire systems dedicated to just that that simply don't miss.
Humans are only cheap while they're willing to be abused... That's likely coming to an end.
Utahmule t1_j0npeq5 wrote
I work with machines and robots in construction and I'm telling you there is no competition between human and machine even right now. The only piece of machinery that is faster is heavy equipment. Everything else is simply a better version of a tool we used before. Like instead of a hammer we have nail guns or instead straight edge screed we have powered ones, instead of levels and strings we can use lasers... Not a person is replaced though, just faster. Equipment breaks down constantly, some line breaks, etc. The computer layout equipment is more often wrong and takes forever to use, it doesn't know it's wrong but I do because I know what the fuck I'm looking at and can use other methods/ tools to verify. Nothing is ever exactly right in the plans so without an experienced human then there would be no way to adapt and overcome. I've never seen or used any machine or computer that catches its own mistake or can predict an issue that will arise.
I love construction, I loved manual labor when I was younger, it's fun, its engaging, it pays great, it's rewarding... I don't know what abuse you refer to but most people enjoy physically doing stuff... I traveled the world specifically going after physical labor, exciting, adventurous work and it was awesome.
Evipicc t1_j0nt2p3 wrote
As an aside, you personally liking physical labor doesn't mean everyone does, or that it's good for the body. That said...
Scale will always be a challenging factor. Large scale construction will certainly take longer to automate than manufacturing, which is generally what I was referencing. I worked as an aerospace machinist, but that ENTIRE process is being automated, top to bottom. Material handling, setup, machining, tool maintenance and replacement, finishing and deburring, and inspection were ALL getting automated right in front of me.
Like you said, shit breaks down, but frankly there will come a day where a machine steps in to fix the other machine. Every human task will be automated this century. Hopefully legislation keep up.
Utahmule t1_j0nu2cz wrote
You personally disliking it doesn't mean everyone does. It's better for the body than sitting around staring at a screen. Physical activity and moderate lifting is somehow possibly not good for us? Wtf.
You're job is in an extremely controlled facility (built by people so machines could work inside) and already used machines. No wonder they are just automating all of it. You essentially work an assembly line job.
This century!? Lol they have been saying that forever and yet machines we have been making for over 100 years still constantly fail...
If your not too old, you might wanna learn an actual trade.
Evipicc t1_j0o7ffo wrote
Lol ok boomer... Not to be reductive of course. "Go InTo A tRaDe" has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard in response to a discussion about automation.
I have a hard time understanding how everyone can't see the technology explosion that is about to happen. Silicon Photonics, AI, Automation, Bio-Mimetic Engineering... We're gearing up for another industrial revolution. If Legislation doesn't keep up people are literally going to starve to death.
The entire process of making a home is going to be automated within our lifetime. Every manufacturing job. Every menial service job like cashier/fast food/delivery etc. If we don't put systems in place to support the fact that there will be almost 0 manual labor (Aside from large scale civil construction as you allude to, for which you are correct) there's going to be problems. Just saying "YoU shOulD hAvE goTtEn A bEtTer JoB!" Is fucking dumb.
Utahmule t1_j0o8925 wrote
I'm a nomadic pot head millennial... But ok.
Evipicc t1_j0o8ulr wrote
So let's rehash: What is your solution to the inevitable erasure of 90% of all work through automation?
Utahmule t1_j0oajp6 wrote
Uh, we weren't discussing a solution to robots taking all the jobs...
Kind of difficult to come up with a solution to a hypothetical situation that would be so far in the totally different future, that neither of us can even comprehend the actual way society adapts and changes to this future along the way... It might not be some nightmare, we will probably just change things here and there as it becomes more prevalent.
If things were exactly the same as now and suddenly robots said, " we are taking your jobs." I guess the solution would be to protest, push for some regulations, I don't know... Would we need incomes if everything was just controlled by machines? People want money for time spent but robots don't... We wouldn't need to pay them or for them. I suppose all means of making money would be through entertainment, gambling, competition, but it might not even be necessary.
Evipicc t1_j0obi17 wrote
My original point was about that, but I can see scrolling up that you were focused on the IF and not the WHEN/Solutions of it all. I think that's where our fundamental difference in opinion lies. I believe that it's a certainty, and sooner than most realize, that automation is going to displace a great majority of the workforce. It's literally my job to make that happen as funny as that is. It seems you believe this is "so far in the totally different future", which I just inherently don't believe is true.
Utahmule t1_j0occpp wrote
It's happening now for sure and it's going to rapidly increase. I just don't believe that certain skilled labor jobs can be replaced in the next 75- 100 years... Things where people have to do the work because getting a robot that can deal with all the varied materials and terrain is impossible. Once it is possible it then has to become cheaper than human labor... I just don't see it in anyone that's currently alive's lifetime.
The rest of the workforce... I dunno what they will do. Lots of homeless, lots of bad shit til it works itself out. I am just focusing on getting myself to a point that I'm wealthy enough, I don't have to worry about it and neither does my kid lol.
Evipicc t1_j0odvoy wrote
Totally understand the "I get mine" mentality as realistically that's all we have the power to do.
Utahmule t1_j0ofwiq wrote
It's freaking scary but its me and mine's only chance. Shit is going to get bad with the energy consumption, lack of resources, jobs, etc. Really bad and robots not my main concern..
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