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please_remain_clam t1_j1okv5t wrote

I disagree. Wisdom comes only from learning from past mistakes and proactively avoiding similar situations. I’m talking about real-time global threat assessment and analysis. Unless you have another take on it?


Frequent_Example_167 t1_j1on0km wrote

Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions with knowledge possessed. Having made mistakes isn’t a prerequisite to being wise. Technology like this would increase peoples knowledge pool quickly, and if a person is “wise” they would make less mistakes as a result. Wisdom: the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.


please_remain_clam t1_j1ooj2c wrote

I follow what you mean, but it seems a term that both of our understandings are at odds over is magnitude of effect. I see it as an enhancement but not all consuming and you appear to see it as global connectivity.


Gubekochi t1_j1omr12 wrote

While I very much agree that experience (including that of past mistakes, yours or otherwise) is a component of wisdom, I would say that knowledge and good judgment are also components. Otherwise, if it were purely experience/mistakes based, wisdom would offer no benefit when facing new situations... which, maybe under your conception of wisdom, a highly intangible concept, is entirely possible to be honest.

In that regard, someone's wisdom is like... how adequate a guidance does the sum of their general rule of thumb and mental shortcuts is to take decisions that don't suck.

Lots of things can have contributed to that pool of general principles a given individual has.