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kenlasalle t1_j1q4y6s wrote

I don't know about your Ford prediction. They have one of the hottest EVs in the market right now with the Mustang.


blinknow t1_j1q50u9 wrote

Nope. Shiba coin goes bananas and becomes its own global bank, buys Morgan Stanley and HSBC. Buys Taco Bell and makes then into a luxury Mexican chain. All other restaurants go bankrupt.

NASA contracts them to open a cafeteria on the moon base and on Mars.

The dollar converts to Doge, which is pegged to Shiba.

Saudi Arabia and OPEC become electric energy providers as ICE become obsolete and EVs become standard and required across the globe. The petrodollar becomes EVShiba.

Japan invests in technology to drive the island and fly it after a major earthquake rips it from the ocean floor.

Happy New Year.


the_black_sails t1_j1q66rd wrote

And Lightning F150. Also I've been trying to buy a hybrid Maverick and they can't make enough of them. Not to mention the regular F150 is the best selling vehicle in the US.

But you never know, stranger things have happened.


MisterBilau t1_j1q7p45 wrote

Your first point is already absurd. The moment musk leaves, Tesla stock will shot up. That idiot is the one pushing it down with its lunacy.


chaseinger t1_j1q7u4e wrote

pro tip: if you want to be taken seriously in predictions for the upcoming years, at least mention climate refugees. if not it'll look like you're not paying attention.


SaintLouisduHaHa t1_j1q8cnm wrote

  1. "Elon..." Sure, that seems likely. He's seems to have gone off the rails recently and Tesla's stock price is pretty inflated.
  2. "Moon base..." I doubt this. Russia isn't in much of a position to invest in it's space program and is generally a liability in terms of international partnerships. China may try, but it would likely take longer than 5 years.
  3. "Hydrogen..." Definitely not. Hydrogen infrastructure is expensive and complex, EV technology (for cars) has already covered almost every use-case in terms of range and performance and the infrastructure is developing rapidly. Hydrogen for truck traffic is entirely possible though.
  4. "10-1 EV to ICE" BYD is already partnered with Toyota so Toyota will probably survive but more importantly BYD isn't even close to the scale required to dominate the auto industry. I'm sure they will move quickly in the next five years, but not to that extent. 10-1 EV to ICE sales will probably be achieved in markets with significant subsidies (Norway is almost there, if you include plug in hybrids).
  5. "Flu" I guess? That said, H5N1 is well researched and already in the influenza vaccine mix so while its a major risk, it's probably not in the "millions dead" level of pandemics. (There have been a few influenza pandemics in the ~1 million range)
  6. "Earthquakes" Japan isn't high on my list of potential collapses. That said, a major series of earthquake could bring that about. It would also bring a significant international response in terms of aid before the unrest got too bad. That generally means a major military presence, often the US (Helicopter Carriers are great humanitarian aid vessels). The US who has a mutual defense treaty with Japan that explicitly includes the Senkaku islands. It would be a very bold move.

TheUmgawa t1_j1q8rg5 wrote

Well, the alternative to Musk exiting the company is the Tesla institutional investors exiting their positions in the company. At some point, they're going to have a Come To Jesus meeting with Elon Musk, where they tell him to settle the hell down or get the hell out, because they own significantly more of the company than he does, and he'd never be able to get the pension funds behind him if the alternative is for the stock price to plummet as the institutions exit their positions. Anything negative that happens with Tesla's share price would be the result of Elon Musk's own poor life choices.

As it stands, once the non-Tesla car manufacturers start rolling out vehicles that may not perform as well as a Tesla but cost half as much, they'll start grabbing market share, and that's when Tesla's stock will start to plummet, because the thing that's been keeping Tesla's stock price where it is is the faith that as the EV market goes up, Tesla will maintain its current 68-ish percent market share, and that is definitely not going to happen, especially if Musk is still throwing in with the deplorables, which means the very people who want to buy EVs are going to go, "Y'know what? I can just buy from one of these other companies."

And the rest of what you said is pretty much ludicrous, considering the five-year timeframe you've put on it. Particularly the point about the flu epidemic fatalities being the result of ineffective antibiotics, given that the flu is from a virus and antibiotics are always ineffective against viruses. I mean, come on, that's just basic science.

Oh, and the Russians definitely aren't landing on the moon in five years. Chinese, maybe, but if they do, they're establishing a permanent base because they didn't put enough fuel in the tanks to come back.


[deleted] t1_j1qb995 wrote

Yeah, the Moon base isn't correct. China will almost certainly land someone on the Moon in the next 10 years, probably by 2030, which is around when the US will be landing people. But neither US and allies nor China need Russia for that. Russia stopped innovating space stuff years ago and just ran a space taxi business. US and friends don't need a space taxi, and neither does China. And space taxis don't go to the Moon anyway. If Russia were to be a valuable partner to anyone, it would need to rebuild the space infrastructure and workforce that it has let atrophy. And I don't see any signs of that happening.

Russia used to be a dominant space power. It no longer is, and it's the fault of the kleptocrats. Russia sent up the first person, the first woman, the first satellite, the first space station - it did so much. And the thieves ruined it for them. Russia is not going to the Moon with China.


skytomorrownow t1_j1qbrmv wrote

My prediction:

We'll be seeing more posts by Chinese propaganda bots in 2023.


GarugasRevenge t1_j1qe36c wrote

Blue ocean event is set for 2027, this means right now farmers are having difficulty growing food and soon seaports will be over engulfed to the point where they're even less efficient, more supply chain issues because of that. The big finale of the blue ocean even is Florida will be completely underwater. It's always sooner than expected so kind of exponential.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1qeusn wrote

  1. Japan invents giant walking robots and starts having tournaments

Most_readit OP t1_j1qfjp2 wrote

Thanks for your comments but re the flu if you look a bit closer I wrote that most deaths were due to secondary bacterial infections , which of course are treated with antibiotics normally gif


AdrianDeHollow t1_j1qfu3x wrote

This sub is going tits-up in shennenigans. My predictions:

  1. Aliens come to eart
  2. They eat most hoomans
  3. Billionaires save us by throwing all their schmeckels on da aliens
  4. Jrsus returns and yells at us
  5. Profit

johnp299 t1_j1qgnqr wrote

About 100K people work at Tesla. If something happened to Musk, they'd be OK. Apple fired Steve Jobs in the 80s, then got him back years later. Whatever works, man.


Rogermcfarley t1_j1qk4t6 wrote

Lithium based batteries are going to be replaced with one of the sodium based battery tech.


Illistmonstruo916 t1_j1qqejw wrote

China-Russia begin mining Helium-3 from the moon, space force attacks mining operations and kicks off WW3


spacester t1_j1qqx67 wrote

It takes courage to predict near term like this. No one will ever post to agree with you on anything.


AnotherDayinGold t1_j1qrm3s wrote

With our current grid, I could totally see hydrogen cell tech becoming at least equal to EVs. I spent Christmas with no power because the grid can’t support everyone heating their homes. Why do you say it’s possible for trucks but not regular drivers if they still need infrastructure?


ten-million t1_j1qvwd3 wrote

Buffalo Bills finally win a Super Bowl.

Problems solved!


OldHuntersNeverDie t1_j1qzb8m wrote

Japan is pretty low on the list of countries that would completely collapse due to natural disasters. To be clear, I don't mean that natural disasters aren't a possibility, but rather the civil unrest and governmental collapse part. I don't think Japan is a likely candidate for either regardless of what dystopian Anime shows/films depict.


thisotherguy87 t1_j1r4vfb wrote

Turns out aliens are on the moon and they don't appreciate Earth making moon bases.

Medical developments that will shake the pharmaceutical industry.

Elon leaves Twitter

Exercise in a pill is introduced.

Actual hoverboards? (one can hope)


rileyoneill t1_j1ra1k3 wrote

More than 15GW of solar capacity will be added to the CAiso in California. An additional 5GW of wind capacity will be installed in the state. 100 GWH of batteries will be installed. It will be a near daily occurrence when the renewable supply surpasses the demand. Load shifting programs will change to encourage people to use their high demand appliances during the middle of the day when the sun is out.

AutoTaxis will take over service in the California Bay Area, Greater Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego, Phoenix and a few other places. This is going to be extremely impactful, the response of developing parking lots into urban places will follow, but not in 5 years. A lot of people, particularly young people and retirees start to see this as a viable alternative to car ownership.

EVs for commercial vehicles will take off. The Rivian van for Amazon and the Tesla Semi for a lot of logistics hubs. They will still be mostly human driven, but towards the end of the decade that is going to quickly change.

The California High Speed rail will face some setbacks but it will get closer to limited 2029 service opening.

15-20 million people in the Boomer-Silent Cohort will pass away. Greatly reducing their political strength. Millennials and some Zoomers will continue to take over political offices. Gen X is a much smaller Demographic than the Boomers, they are not nearly as conservative, the same with millennials who will be aging into their mid 40s in 2028.

The fossil fuel industry will start to face periods of financial distress. Investors are going to see fossil fuel companies as industries that are in long term decline and will be pulling investment money. We will still be using oil and gas, but actual demand will start to decline.


SaintLouisduHaHa t1_j1rcmah wrote

Hydrogen may still see more widespread adoption, but definitely not in the next five years. As for trucks, they tend to rely on more centralized infrastructure and have a better use case for hydrogen over batteries (energy density).


mescalero1 t1_j1rhra5 wrote

There are always issues in the ring of fire. Japan has had very serious earthquakes and has never been on the verge of losing government control of the country. And, as far as Japan yielding to China, never happen in a million years. Like in WWII, the US was considered the sleeping giant, that is now Japan.


treddit44 t1_j1rkav1 wrote

This is absurd. Off the top of my head, Netflix and Amazon are down more than Tesla. The S&P 500 is down 20%. Apple performed the best of FAANG stocks and is down 25%. Using these bear market numbers to discredit Musk or any of the major players is short sighted. The reality is most of them are only getting bigger.


12kdaysinthefire t1_j1ruheq wrote

You forgot Lake Mead drying up beyond any generating capacity.


Ertaipt t1_j1rutgw wrote

No one mentions the applications of AIs like chatGPT.

I think this is the big blind spot, much like the 80s missing the invention of smartphones, of the subtle but very important changes that are coming short term.


ManyThingsLittleTime t1_j1sef3r wrote

Earthquakes are pretty localized events. People don't realize how big Japan actually is. It's as long as the entire east coast of the US. There's no way they'd have enough earthquakes to do anything like OP described. Imagine the entire east coast of the US being shut down by earthquakes, ain't going to happen.


really_cool_fool t1_j1sfr3t wrote

We are talking about the next 5 years -

AI / ML will definitely open up new use cases and applications. Good and bad. Including major changes to Google. Serious considerations for UBI and some small pilot programs start.

Facebook and Twitter become irrelevant finally.

After the current slowdown, in the next round of tight labor market, remote work wins hands down. Companies opposed to it lose competitive advantage because of higher real estate costs and not being able to attract talent.

Musk? who cares, he is irrelevant by now.


punksmurph t1_j1snext wrote

The US has a major presence in Japan and its society as a culture will come together during a major event to support the community. Unless many people at all levels in the government die I don't see them collapsing. It would do a ton of damage to the economy though. The US would immediately jump in to help using its military. Those stationed in Japan would move to humanitarian relief and ships in Hawaii and San Diego would be immediately dispatched. you could have 3 air craft carries, 8 large amphibious ships (including 3 help carriers) and a whole range of smaller vessels there within 2 weeks. They would spread out and start support every majorly affect community.


duhdamn t1_j1sq4t7 wrote

  1. Governments around the world disclose retrieval of alien technology. But the reality of these beings is difficult to comprehend and most humans just shrug it off.

  2. Geo engineering climate change offsets become big business. Man begins to destabilize climate so extreme weather events are more common and more destructive.

  3. Massive starvation in several undeveloped countries.

  4. Global population begins to shrink. Population growth is far below replacement levels in nearly all developed nations. But the big surprise is the reduced growth in undeveloped countries. This is in part due to small solar infrastructure improving opportunities and education in remote locations. Unfortunately, it’s also due to mass starvation from climate change and policies hostile to agriculture.

  5. Transition to clean energy is faster than most anticipated but it’s devastating to many industries and economies. Government regulations to dampen demand for oil bring oilfield energy infrastructure development to a halt. This collapses supply in just a few short years. Growth in renewables explodes due to an extremely high price of oil. This transition happens so fast that grids and generator power plants can’t be upgraded. Grid electricity becomes unreliable. In some places the power grid goes dark. Power companies are bankrupt and shut down. Off grid solar is the new normal. Community solar (5-10,000 residences) is increasingly common. Battery technology improves and several lithium alternatives dominate. Storage solutions are viable but remain expensive and inadequate. People adapt and energy usage fluctuates with availability.

  6. Fusion energy remains a dream for future generations.

  7. The spirit world becomes an area of serious academic research.

  8. The US dollar is no longer the dominant world reserve currency by 2028.

  9. The WEF efforts at global control backfire. There is a global revolt against global regulation of anything.

  10. Automation is causing massive social damage as low skill jobs disappear. Eventually the reduced birth rates balance this disruption but the next five years are rough. People unwilling or unable to retain for higher skilled jobs become permanently unemployed. Some skilled professionals such as in law and healthcare also experience disruption.


Astalon18 t1_j1ss00v wrote

Prediction 1:- ChatGPT will improve to the point it renders Google obsolete, and people will be trawling through it for research projects or code mining etc.. It’s presence will threaten establish writers in the same way DallE has threatened artist. Scientific advance will improve.

Prediction 2:- EV or hydrogen will take over petrol car in terms of new sales by 2028. There will still be more petrol vehicle but their dusk is sealed by 2028.

Prediction 3:- It is likely we will have a large El Niño between now and 2028. The impact of this El Niño will be devastating for many developing countries, and I wholly anticipate a large climate refugee wave.

Prediction 4:- We will have our first senolytics completing phase 2 trials by 2028.


re-animatore t1_j1t7g17 wrote

I just hope next year is better than 2022 because it sucked balls. If you're into sucking balls, I don't mean any disrespect.


VektroidPlus t1_j1tbxhv wrote

Japan would never ever let another foreign Asian country take them over. Japan is still a very nationalist country sinceWWII and its been steadily increasing. If they didn't have a population issue, their work conditions were better for the everyday person, and companies were not allowed to run rampant with corruption, they'd probably be in a similar position at the turn of the 20th century of being an Imperial country again looking to dominate all of Asia.

We're already seeing an uptick in national military fervor take place in Japan with their multi-billion dollar increase in their defense budget because of threats like North Korea and Russia. The US will happily arm them too and look to them to be a strong ally as tensions rise in the Pacific. Japan will probably be a sleeping beast in the Pacific that no one should fuck with in the future, earthquakes or not.

My prediction with the future of Japan is that we will probably see the eradication of their defense force in favor of starting a Japanese military and navy again. This will be highly controversial as the rest of Asia will not be thrilled by this and many would argue this would only increase tension in the region. They will probably mostly buy surplus from the US, but I also wouldn't be surprised that we see new state of the art aircraft from Mitsubishi and Toyota (Mitsubishi already has plans to develop a new fighter). The biggest controversy will be that they will have nuclear arms, but as tensions keep increasing, most will see that as self defense against North Korea.


smauseth t1_j1tsku4 wrote

Sorry OP, I don't think that your predictions will come to pass. China will be lucky to be an industrial power in 5 years The Japanese go through Earthquakes like I drink milk. Those events would not undermine the Japanese system. Moonbase..China????? More like mass starvation and possible revolution. Russia??? You said Russia lol

maybe on the EVs but the infrastructure isn't in place. With Elon Musk, who knows. I wouldn't bet against the man.


sideways t1_j1u5m44 wrote

I live in Japan and did during the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. If you think that earthquakes would cause civil unrest and government collapse then you really don't understand the country.


Northcliff t1_j1u7t6x wrote

>EVs strip out ICE 10-1

Dude no way this happens within 5 years, you’re smokin 🚬

Edit: also,

>Toyota files for bankruptcy