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BushWookieViper t1_j0pw0e3 wrote

The thing is that if AI is handling most or all of the jobs then production of things we need to live is probably handled exclusively by ai so we wouldn't need money anymore our world could change for the better but since ai will be controlled by a small subset of the population I doubt ai will take over most jobs gotta keep the plebs in line.

Sorry for the formatting I'm on mobile and educated by the public school system...


Current_Side_4024 t1_j0qcfwk wrote

Gonna be hard to convince plebs to dedicate most of their lives to little tasks that machines can easily do. Plebs will demand freedom, and they shall have it


BushWookieViper t1_j0qmk7w wrote

I'd argue that we already devote our lives to meaningless tasks for less money then we need to thrive I work full time and can't afford to live in my own apartment while also paying for food electricity and the means to get to work.