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bearacastle97 t1_j0s8xty wrote

He's never been an inventor. It doesn't matter if you personally like him or not, he's just a businessman. The teams of people who work on the technology his companies produce, and all the workers that keep those operations running day to day should get most of credit. But also its worth noting that most environmentalists don't think personal EVs are the answer to the climate crisis.


Adjulane t1_j0s8lug wrote

Elon Musk is a drain on society. We should hold a Hunger Games with all millionaires. The only one who gets to keep their money is the last one left in the end.


HammondXX t1_j0s8w18 wrote

I also would like to open an option to Squid games. I feel we could get more per season that way.


Sterotypo t1_j0s8wfi wrote

What progress? He hasn't created anything, he's founded and funded those projects and hired people able to accomplish the tasks at hand


mfmeitbual t1_j0sanau wrote

I would say Musk hasn't accomplished anything himself. He has seemingly built a few teams of people who went on to build things, but the man himself demonstrates a fairly pedestrian knowledge of many technical concepts. This is evident in his own statements - he uses buzzwords in the wrong contexts and has every indicator of someone who desperately wants to be seen as the smartest person in the room.

The companies he has acquired and built are impressive, for sure, but I think Musk's specific involvement in them has been to their detriment and they would have been more successful with <random venture capitalist favorite> at the helm.

Musk reminds me of every struggling-to-understand-the-world pubescent beast I met as a teenager. His inability to reflect on his own words and actions has resulted in a man so dangerously attached to his ego that instead of saying "Well - I was wrong" about COVID, he says things like "my pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci". It's just one of many incoherent ideas that comprise his incoherent worldview. The only difference between him and the drunk idiot at the local dive bar is money. Cheap booze makes you dumb while whatever drugs rich people do also make you dumb but you can afford all the other offsetting lifestyle choices that keep it from making you super dumb.

TLDR: Musk sucks but he has money and people confuse that with success and morality.


AutoModerator t1_j0s7k9n wrote

This appears to be a post about Elon Musk or one of his companies. Please keep discussion focused on the actual topic / technology and not praising / condemning Elon. Off topic flamewars will be removed and participants may be banned.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


HammondXX t1_j0s8pph wrote

elon is not an engineer, he pushed out the founders of tesla and got fired from paypal


QuantumQaos t1_j0s8s5d wrote

Any chaos and disruption introduced into this system-gone-wrong is good, in my opinion.

As a wise man once said, "Come on Pookie, let's burn this muthafucka down!".