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SoylentRox t1_j6f6fpv wrote

So the problem with your analogy is this.

Farming has 2 natural limits:

(1) once you grow enough food to feed everyone plus excess to overcome waste, no more food is needed.

(2) there is only so much land available that is suitable for farming - once you cultivate enough of it, no more farming is needed per year

Coding...well...dude. I bet someone wants factories on the Moon, O'neil habitats, biotech plants that make replacement organs, AI doctors that keep people alive no matter what goes wrong, and catgirl sex robots.

Do you have ANY IDEA how much more complex the software to make the above possible will be? Just try to imagine how many more systems are involved to accomplish each thing. If software engineers and computer engineers have to do even a tiny fraction of the work, they are all going to be busy for centuries.