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Juls7243 t1_j5ykd9x wrote


Predicting the future is INSANELY hard. For example, most of the companies on wall street hire the smartest people on the planet to try and figure out what will happen to stocks only 6 MONTHS into the future and are more wrong than right.

The smartest, most educated people, (on a given subject) are MORE WRONG than they are right in predicting the future in their specialized area. The default assumption is that you are WRONG.


Drakolyik t1_j5zn8y3 wrote

That's because Economics is as much a science as Astrology is. Also, Human societies are messy and unpredictable and a lot of the assumptions made about human behavior are flat out wrong, especially from the mind of someone indoctrinated into the Capitalist clergy.


Juls7243 t1_j5zpkh7 wrote

It’s not just economics - it’s any science. What math problems will be solved in 50 years? Chemisty? Martials science? It’s every subject