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Sariel007 OP t1_j2ibden wrote

Around three billion litres of water are lost through leaks across hundreds of thousands of miles of water pipe in England and Wales daily, says water industry economic regulator Ofwat.

Engineers have now developed miniature robots to patrol the pipe network, check for faults and prevent leaks.

They say maintaining the network will be "impossible" without robotics.

Water industry body Water UK told BBC News that companies were already "investing billions" in leakage.


DetectiveBirbe t1_j2imrih wrote

Billions of liters…. Daily?!


philipwhiuk t1_j2ioj7b wrote

It’s about 24% of the supply. It’s insane


blackwhattack t1_j2isw30 wrote

It goes into the ground that's where we get it from


AnimalShithouse t1_j2iugpx wrote

Well if clean water is leaking into the ground the problem is we're spending money to clean that water and effectively lighting that money on fire.

And if it's billions of poopwater litres going into the ground... That is really not so great.


WeinMe t1_j2jqho9 wrote

I think the transport is the problem.

They lose 3bn litres of water - that's 3 bn litres that shouldn't have a bunch of force applied to it to set in motion.

Another thing is the fluid dynamics. Leaks fuck with the flow and makes it much more demanding to transport the water.


chronicly_retarded t1_j2j0eqa wrote

Actually it IS great. Poop is a good fertilizer.


moosemasher t1_j2j1tlx wrote

You don't want to be spreading faeces around though, and even on fields you shouldn't spread too much else it gets into waterways, leading to algal blooms which then kill animal life.


ChimpBrisket t1_j2j1sq0 wrote

And the fact it tastes great is an added bonus


chronicly_retarded t1_j2j6jfp wrote

Are you eating unwashed vegetables straight after pulling them from the dirt?


kotarix t1_j2jfqop wrote

Eww no. Dip it in stagnate pond water first.


olderthanbefore t1_j2j9ckm wrote

Pathogens too. That's why you must treat the wastewater before releasing it into the environment. You also want to change the N and P in the wastewater into more bio-available forms before using it as fertilizer


domdomdeoh t1_j2jbc29 wrote

When you account for the amount of stimulants, medication, microplastics, antibiotics and hormone treatment (some fish population are turning female only due to contraceptive agents (from pill) present in urine found in waste water that ends up in waterways, fucking up the ecosystem...


Human waste is definitely not what you want to use to fertilize the ground.


rdyoung t1_j2iultj wrote

You don't know anything about the water cycle, do you?

For the morons downvoting me. Yes, the idiot I responded to is technically correct but any water dumped into the ground isn't going to be used or accessible as drinking, bath, gardening, etc water for a very very long time. It takes eons for water to settle in the aquifers where we get our water.


Smartnership t1_j2j0y6u wrote

That’s like a Jetski, right?


rdyoung t1_j2jy10n wrote

Hrr drr. It's actually what it's called. Do a search for "water cycle".


Smartnership t1_j2kdd3c wrote

You’re fun.

And your mother dresses you appropriately


rdyoung t1_j2kfk2n wrote

Was that supposed to be an insult? Sounds more like projection.

By the way, my mother is dead.


Smartnership t1_j2l8r4y wrote

> It's actually what it's called. Do a search for "water cycle".

I confess, I was a bit nervous

It’s not every day one gets a lesson from the original Captain Obvious.


Serdna379 t1_j2j3z42 wrote

Where I live, it’s considered that over 20% is too much, under that is ok. And goung under 10% is too costly to search and repair.


bigboog1 t1_j2ki83s wrote

You have to convert it to acre feet then the number shrinks and it makes sense. Numbers like billions is to difficult to visualize. So the UK uses about 11300 acre ft per day and you are leaking 2400.


Truesoldier00 t1_j2k4ajd wrote

The robots are good but we have multiple ways to test for leaks. We use smart hydrants which track transients in the pipe. So if something bursts you can find out right away.

You might think “well you would know because water would be coming out of the ground” but that’s not necessarily true. It can take days, or just not show up at all. But the treatment plant can tell us (the city) our usage is high and we should be on the lookout for a break.

We can also use listening devices. Leaks have a distinct sound so you can put a device onto a water valve or hydrant and listen to the main for hissing.


WastewaterNerd t1_j2jd214 wrote

My water company deployed 7000 pressure and flow loggers across the network and a team of analysts working 24/7 monitoring it. They can much more easily see where volume is being lost and isolate leaks. Also used for bursts I believe.

However, I work in wastewater so my clean-water cousins in my business are my arch nemeses so they can suck-it and I hope they fail. (joke)