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willingtony t1_j5xjg5y wrote

You also pay less than a skilled professional. A lot less. Especially for rent. Had my own full apartment in Amsterdam city for 500€.

How much would have to pay for that in San Francisco? Lol


jorrit91 t1_j5xs41y wrote

Not sure how you arranged that for yourself but that’s absolutely not a representative amount. Small apartment can easily start around €2000


[deleted] t1_j5xzrlc wrote



ToerakOfUrty t1_j5yc3yb wrote


There's no Plaza de María Pita in Amsterdam.


alc4pwned t1_j5yibza wrote

I’m seeing that Amsterdam is one of the most expensive cities in Europe and that average rent is more like 3-4x what you paid.


Prinzka t1_j5z59ck wrote

Maybe 40 years ago in a sociale woning.
Early 2000s 1 bedroom outside de grachtengordel would cost 4 times that.