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TysonStone1999 t1_j2vs7cw wrote

You will eat ze bugs! Own nothing and be happy! Imma hard pass on that!


Domain3141 t1_j2vt4sv wrote

Only 1 of the 7 startups made something based on insects. All other used plant based products.


mhornberger t1_j2y9yti wrote

And even that one was based in Korea, where entemophagy is already somewhat accepted. But Reddit can't hear about any new agricultural products without it being Snowpiercer and us being forced to scarf down wriggling cockroaches. Literally every advance must be a segue to a dystopian hellworld.


WoodwickVonRazzle t1_j2xnjjx wrote

Awww come on now! I came here just to say how much I wanted the smart but growing lab. Crickets aren’t bad if you cover em in cheese or bbq dust 🤭


mhornberger t1_j2zp2w7 wrote

I've had a cricket-based protein bar. It was... a protein bar. Intensely mediocre, as they generally are. There are insect-based protein bars and powders for sale now. So you don't have to eat bugs in the form of bugs. I've also seen flour and pasta (made from said flour) made partly from insects. Haven't tried it yet, but I would if I came across it in the store.