Submitted by Ludwik2006 t3_10ly86e in Futurology
timegoodaforhere t1_j5zslh0 wrote
Reply to comment by Bioshutt in doomsday clock real or fake? by Ludwik2006
Try living in the UK mate. Putin has already made serveral implied threats that the UK will be his main target.
[deleted] t1_j5ztgsy wrote
timegoodaforhere t1_j5zuunj wrote
It wont happen. Russia drops a single nuke and their country will be obliterated in minutes. Putin is a dickhead, but he's not stupid enough to do that.
UglyWoods t1_j5zxb8s wrote
Cornered animals are when they are most dangerous.
timegoodaforhere t1_j5zz3o6 wrote
There's a system in place that would stop him of he wantes to nuke anyway. Look up when Russia nearly started nuclear war by accident.
AldusPrime t1_j604is3 wrote
That wasn’t a system.
That was one man going against his training and orders.
timegoodaforhere t1_j605bto wrote
Right. So what you're saying is it's a system thst filtered down to one man who made a choice? So a system then?
AldusPrime t1_j609pjh wrote
How can I make this clearer?
One man went against the system he was trained on.
It was him refusing to follow the system.
CommunicationFun7973 t1_j63ayoo wrote
They learned from that. Very few men can stop the order. Very, very, very few. Iirc it is pretty much two buttons at putins disposal. "Fire nukes" "run test firing nukes that is indistinguishable from the real thing to lower levels"
timegoodaforhere t1_j60a7ah wrote
How can I make this clearer. That's the fucking point 🤣
CommunicationFun7973 t1_j63b3nq wrote
Read my comment above this. They learned from that and now there are very few people who can stop it, and putin has surrounded himself with people as loony as he is, and likely lies to them a lot to keep them scared and more likely to follow said orders.
UglyWoods t1_j601r5o wrote
I hope you don't often bet the lives and futures of the human race on the courageous actions of one man.
I would also implore you to look up THE MANY times we (as a population) have nearly nuked ourselves to dust, and that's just in the last 70 years.
dercavendar t1_j604frm wrote
To be fair, the last 70 years is essentially the entire history of us being capable of nuking ourselves at all…
musubitime t1_j60qd0r wrote
It’s not a great analogy. A cornered animal is alone and in mortal peril. Putin only risks his legacy at this point.
CommunicationFun7973 t1_j63ark3 wrote
His legacy is all he cares about. I suspect he is also legitimately delusional and sees a huge threat to Russia itself.
Darkwaxellence t1_j5zxp0w wrote
They put dirty bombs in vans not airplanes.
timegoodaforhere t1_j5zydqs wrote
Wtf does this have to do with my comments?
[deleted] t1_j600dae wrote
Darkwaxellence t1_j5zz46w wrote
They don't have to drop a bomb out of an airplane. Every spy satellite in the Eastern hemisphere would see it coming. Conventional ICBM launches and Stratospheric bombers are easily tracked and could be destroyed before reaching target and also allowing time for retaliatory strikes.
No one is dropping or launching.
jgzman t1_j616u8h wrote
> Conventional ICBM launches . . . could be destroyed before reaching target
Source, please?
> They put dirty bombs in vans not airplanes.
It takes a while to get vans to the target, unless you've pre-positioned them. Plus, a ground-burst is not gonna do the kind of city-obliterating damage an airburst does.
timegoodaforhere t1_j5zz99g wrote
Drop is a euphamism ffs.
Darkwaxellence t1_j5zzuic wrote
Not when you're talking about nuclear devices. People should understand what the realistic threats are. I agree that Putin does not want to get annihilated by a retaliation strike. So they would be much more subtle. No one would immediately know who to counter-strike against. There are at least 8 countries in the euro-African sphere that have nuclear weapons and some reason to want to use them.
timegoodaforhere t1_j601esn wrote
Oh fuck off mate. Cba with pedantic bell ends on Reddit telling me what it means when I say something.
AldusPrime t1_j604fas wrote
You’re assuming he’s still making rational decisions.
Humans are never rational. When they have a bruised ego or are scared, they’re even less rational.
MonkeyWithTheMohawk t1_j60eo02 wrote
Elon Musk and Neuralink are the ones doing everything. They're using that they refer to as a satellite communication system to take over not only the US, but Russia and other countries to start WW3 and stage the Apocalypse.
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