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RoxyGlaw t1_j6ht05z wrote

Reply to comment by strvgglecity in Private UBI by SantoshiEspada

You use a few examples of people with a silver spoon to suggest the game is rigged. “Easy come, easy go” is a real thing. There are lots of folks that started with nothing and made it big. As far as the Nurse statement goes who in there right mind would suggest “nurse” as a golden ticket to Billionaire status? “Capitalism “ (free markets) gives the well motivated and talented the best chance of gathering a comfortable life of any other system.


strvgglecity t1_j6iq6zz wrote

You said capitalism rewards the motivated and penalizes the lazy. Nurses aren't lazy, capitalism rewards greed and moral bankruptcy, NOT hard work. I guarantee you don't work harder than a landscaper and the owner of all your local McDonald's doesn't work harder than any of the teenagers they employ. Your opinions are just not based on facts.


RoxyGlaw t1_j6ktf30 wrote

Dude really? That’s your argument. If your only goal in life is to work at freaking McDonalds your whole life and be the greatest fry maker ever! You wont get anywhere. I started out using a shovel to dig ditches for irrigation in orange groves in Florida but that’s not where I ended up! If you have no more motivation than to stick in a dead end job I don’t care what system you are in, you will go no where. If you can’t figure out the difference i can see why you think Communism’s a good idea. Free markets reward - communism only benefits the lazy.


strvgglecity t1_j6lm6id wrote

You said capitalism rewards the motivated. It. Does. Not. Many nurses are as motivated as any startup CEO.

It more effectively rewards those specifically motivated TO SEEK MONEY ABOVE ALL ELSE. No matter the human, resource or societal cost, to seek profit. See: Facebook & leaded gasoline