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Ulfhednar1988 t1_j3c2o58 wrote

You can not say for certain that it will not. How naive do you have to be to think the science is right every time. XD


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3dov4v wrote

It's obviously been tested on bees already you fucking turnip, it's not gonna kill any bees and you will look stupid for thinking it will. I promise.


Ulfhednar1988 t1_j3dpfwe wrote

I didn’t say it would, Im simply stating when you start fucking around with source code anythings a possibility. Can you be certain every bee will react the exact same way to this vaccine. No you can’t you “fucking turnip” lol.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3dx5ts wrote

The vast majority of them will and that's the point.

Vaccines aren't "messing with source code" ur just saying dumb anti Vax shit.

These vaccines are objectively a good thing.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fje3t wrote

Pretending vaccines are "source code" - you don't even know what source code is in software let alone what a vaccine is


Ulfhednar1988 t1_j3flbol wrote

When I say source code I’m referring to the DNA of the bee. I thought you would have understood that right away but I guess with a name like FeFiFoShizzle it makes sense that you didn’t.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3flupc wrote

Vaccines dont alter DNA. Which is why I call it stupid.

Trust me, I knew what you were talking about hence why I call you an anti vaxxer.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fji1h wrote

Pretending they don't test these vaccines before they go to market


Ulfhednar1988 t1_j3fly33 wrote

Doesn’t matter if they tested it on a few colony’s or not. They are trying to play God and messing around with the natural order of things. Anything could go wrong. Why take the chance when all we need to do is get rid of pesticides. Lol


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fmj4j wrote

You are making up fake scenarios in your head and think vaccines alter your DNA, you are an absolute moron