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skraddleboop t1_j3d0h60 wrote

As Ulfhednar1988 commented:

“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live” -Albert Einstein


[deleted] t1_j3d2t8v wrote



skraddleboop t1_j3dhczz wrote

There are people with sickening wealth and power who believe that the world needs to be "depopulated" because the Earth cannot sustain our species if it continues growing at its current rate. Some of them believe that stopping that growth is also insufficient, and they believe in measures which will cull out the herd - obviously won't affect those with the means to still buy whatever they need regardless of cost - but will cull out the herd. I don't mean to imply that those people are funding or are in any way connected to this "bee vaccine" initiative, but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if the science backing it up is dubious.