Submitted by BorgesBorgesBorges60 t3_104vv7v in Futurology
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3e4lmh wrote
Reply to comment by coughdrop1989 in A biotech firm says the U.S. has approved its vaccine for honeybees by BorgesBorgesBorges60
Bee farms. You turnip. These are bee farms.
And again, this isn't for things caused by pesticides, it's right there in the article that it's a disease found in larvae of farmed bees.
You aren't saying anything smart you are mad about an objectively good vaccine because everything needs to be a conspiracy for you.
This literally improves the lives of bees living on bee farms. Why are you crying about it?
coughdrop1989 t1_j3e5qhk wrote
And where do the bees go to pollinate? You can't control these animals they will eventually go out to do what they are hardwired to do in nature. To pollinate. Most people use herbicides and pesticides. Plus alot of these bee farmers take there bees to pollinate other farms who do use those chemicals. If it's a disease found in nature then who are we to say other wise. Disease is unfortunately natural and I still think trying to "cure" them rather than look at the bigger picture of how they are dying on mass is the bigger issue. Hence why I keep bringing up the chemicals but like I said earlier you don't wanna discuss that do you?
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3e828y wrote
But these bees aren't being killed by pesticides. They are being killed by the disease the vaccine is protecting against, hence the need for a vaccine.
You made that up.
>Disease is unfortunately natural and I still think trying to "cure" them rather than look at the bigger picture
What the fuck are you talking about. Cancer is natural too should we stop fighting it?
Go suck on some essential oils you are out of your depth here lol.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3ecbb3 wrote
The second to last sentence on the article clearly states that pesticides does weaken their immune system and can also kill them. So maybe, just maybe, if they didn't have a weaker immune system from the pesticides maybe, just maybe, they'll have a better chance at surviving. However I guess the real question is do you inherently believe that this vaccine will be the magical cure to restore the bees population?
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3ed7n1 wrote
It says it's one of many things and yes I absolutely think this vaccine will do a great job of maintaining the population of the bees in these bee farms. That's what it was developed for.
I didn't say "magic" tho- that was you and all it does is prove to me that yes you are absolutely an anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist. Didnt you just say you weren't?
I'd love to hear why you don't think it will work. Why won't it do exactly what it was developed to do?
coughdrop1989 t1_j3ek39e wrote
Never said it didn't or wouldn't work that's all you buddy and yes I do believe certain vaccines are necessary and actually helpful. This I feel like is a knee jerk reaction and not focusing on the bigger problem which is chemicals being sprayed on the plants they use to pollinate. Then the "pests" these chemicals are made to eradicate get stronger and so does the poison.
This has been talked about for decades but no one wants to confront Monsanto. Bees have been around for over 130 million years and it's only since the 1940s, when pesticides and herbicides started being used widely, that they started to decline rapidly. So sure this may be a short term solution but by no means will it be something to awe over. In my opinion which doesn't mean shit.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3ekxyv wrote
No you literally are implying it's not going to help and are making this about bees that aren't at bee farms when that's not what the vaccine is for.
You are using words like "magic" and "certain vaccines are good" - you are so clearly an anti vaxxer lmao.
And a vaccine that takes years to develop isn't exactly a knee jerk reaction lmao.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3emwpn wrote
How far back of an article do you want that says chemicals are causing bees to die? One decade old, two perhaps 3 decades old of what scientist have been saying the bee population has been declining? Because scientists have been blaming herbicides and pesticides, plus human encroachment for far longer then they've been working on this vaccine for bees. How many bees live on these farms compared to the wild? Only numbers I can even find are guesses that there is about 2.5 million bees in north america. Any other sources of how many of these 2.5 million are in farms?
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3enlim wrote
Why the fuck are you still talking about wild bees what is wrong with you
They aren't vaccinating wild bees. Stop talking about it.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3eock9 wrote
So how many bees are in farms. How many? What percentage? Can you answer that or no?
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3eopvi wrote
It doesn't matter. That's not the point of any of this, this vaccine is specifically for bees in bee farms so it's not part of the conversation.
Again, what the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, you are acting crazier and stupider every comment. It's wild.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3eph2v wrote
And you don't know how to have meaningful dialogue with out bad mouthing someone for having a opinion. Yet the fact still remains you have no idea how many bees are in farms. Neither do I. Only thing I've seen is that there is a guess of approximately 2.5 million bees in north america. If there is say only 10,000 bees in farms then does this breakthrough really matter if the vaccine doesn't do anything. Then if it does, how do we go about doing it for the rest of the population? That is how you have meaningful dialogue. Not sure who hurt you but you know when trying to have an actual conversation you don't have to be a dick right? Other wise what's the point of even talking if we're not even gonna have dialogue. Doesn't even seem like you care to hear my side of things you're just being an asshole for the sake of being one. You must be a trump supporter only they are assholes for no reason.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3eqzks wrote
I'm bad mouthing you because you are pretending I said things I didnt and bad mouthing a vaccine because there are other problems in the world.
You are acting like you are in a Pepsi commercial lmao.
"Let's all hold hands and stop Monsanto instead of giving bees vaccines" - you
Edit: and ya the percent of the bee population that's in farms doesn't fucking matter because THEY AREN'T VACCINATING WILD BEES. Are you really gonna keep talking about wild bees? Why?
This vaccine is to keep FARMED bees populations up. End of story. Wild bees have nothing at all to do with this. Stop thinking about them in relation to this because it's not relevant.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3es5n6 wrote
Okay and how many bees are in farms. How are we to know if the population goes up with out numbers? You got numbers? Forget the wild bees. Fuck them. How many bees are in farms. How many? So we can keep track of their incline or decline of population. When they say 40% have died. Is that 40% of 1,000,000 or 40% of 5,000? Big difference.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3et9su wrote
152 million. 2.8 million colonies. Just in the US.
Pretty embarrassing for you.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3evy5x wrote
In farms? You got the source.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3ezxh7 wrote
You could just google it lol. What do you think I'm lying? Thats you who lies about stuff not me.
It's not like you will read this anyway you will just lie about reading it like you did with the other article. I doubt you can understand either this or the other article I posted anyway at this point.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fj489 wrote
Here's where you pretend bee farms populations don't matter
coughdrop1989 t1_j3emzlw wrote
It's a knee jerk reaction if you don't follow the science and the science clearly states it's pesticides that are doing the most harm.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3eni1l wrote
No, the science says in bee farms this disease is doing the most harm hence the vaccine to protect against it.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3eo7gi wrote
[deleted] t1_j3eof3e wrote
coughdrop1989 t1_j3eon18 wrote
And I never said that this vaccine wouldn't be a good thing, just feel like there are other avenues that also need to be explored and may possibly benefit from but they don't wanna go that route. Yet here we are.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3ep3rd wrote
Ya, these are different problems and since the farmers have this immediate problem, a bee vaccine is good.
And you absolutely implied it wouldn't be a good thing, you called it magic in a demeaning way even lmao. You 100% implied it wouldn't help. Do you need me to find the comment?
If you like the vaccine for bees then why are you crying about it?
Bee farmers aren't gonna magically stop pesticides.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3epucr wrote
Yes I did say it was the magical cure all because that's pretty much how you're making it seem and that is just far from true. Noone has even even tried to get Monsanto to stop killing the bees with pesticides so how do we know it doesn't even work? And yes if everyone stood together you'd be surprised at how powerful the people really are. Yet I know that's a tough thing to overcome but not impossible.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3eqv6g wrote
Show me where is said anything other than that the vaccine will help maintain bee populations suffering from the specific disease this vaccine was engineered for specifically in bee farms.
Show me.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3ertmf wrote
? Never accused you of this? You've been very clear in your stance. This vaccine is for the bees on bee farms. My stance is that since pesticides inherently weaken their immune system and I know for a fact these bees aren't in a enclosed box to never ever see the world then their chance of running into a pesticide or herbicide of some kind is of great chance. This with a weakened immune system they can't fight off the mites they've been living with since we'll forever. Bees have been around for over 130 million years. You don't find just a bit coincidental that over that whole time frame in the 1940s they start going into decline? That's my stance never said this was really bad. Wouldn't be my first alternative which I've been very adamant about. Not sure where you're confused on where I stand on the matter.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3etmta wrote
Why are you still talking about wild bees.
Bee farmers dont have alternatives, this is the life we have so a vaccine is a good thing for bee farms and honey production.
We can make a vaccine and also be mad at pesticides.
Also check this out.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3exicv wrote
That article says Monsanto doesn't even make pesticides. It's a lie and so the truth comes out. You are a Monsanto fanboy. Now that the dirty laundry is aired out we can go about our day. Kind of funny I never thought I would come in contact with someone who actually advocates for Monsanto. Good read though until the lies so that discredits the whole article unfortunately.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3f03ps wrote
It does not say that. It in fact says Monsanto do make pesticides, it's sort of the point of the article. That's why Monsanto is the "unlikely ally" - it's really simple to understand actually. They wouldn't be an "unlikely ally" if they didn't make pesticides. If you actually read the article you would understand that.
You didn't read it, Don't lie. If you did you would know it doesn't say anything like you claim. It's pretty sad tbh.
Why would you lie about reading this? What a shitty trait to have as a human.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3fdlf2 wrote
The rhetoric offended Hayes’ sense of fairness. He knew that environmentalists linked colony collapse to neonicotinoid insecticides and that they thought Monsanto was somehow to blame. But he also knew that Monsanto doesn’t make insecticides. The company’s most famous product, glyphosate—that’s Roundup—kills plants. Its second-most famous product—Roundup-ready seeds—allows plants to resist its most famous product.
I didn't read it huh? Okay.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fdu5e wrote
You are really, really not very bright eh?
Roundup is weed killer.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3fgh4o wrote
What? I know what round up is but yea you're right I didn't realize that insecticides are pesticides but they mainly go after a certain stage in the pests life. The more you know. And you just don't stop with the insults do you?
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fhn6a wrote
Well you keep saying stupid ass shit and calling me a Trump voter or Monsanto Stan among tons of other things.
Your insults don't count tho, I guess? Mine are worse because I said swear words?
I should remind you that you claimed not all vaccines are important, that bee farms aren't a large enough of a population to matter, that the vaccine wont help with foul brood disease, that we shouldn't bother with it because other issues in the world exist, and that anyone who's pro this vaccine is a Monsanto Stan. You also backtracked on basically every one of these claims lol.
Whatever, kick rocks this isn't really fun anymore lol.
Edit: you also got mad about vaccine manufacturers then pretended you weren't anti vax.
coughdrop1989 t1_j3fircd wrote
Wow. You really are a trump supporter if you're this delusional.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fj20y wrote
Literally everything I said here is documented in the previous comments lol. Want me to prove it?
Edit: i highlighted some dumb shit you said for you.
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3etjmy wrote
>how you're making it seem and that is just far from true.
Here is where you accused me of that
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fj90e wrote
>I do believe certain vaccines are necessary and actually helpful.
Here's where you imply not all vaccines are good
FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fjlru wrote
Pretending we shouldn't fight disease because it's "natural" even tho you say the cause isn't natural in the same breath
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