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Thegamblr t1_j6nv8yx wrote

So what’s the point of posting this? We’re all holograms made by the government so anything we say you can argue is trying to convince you otherwise. If there’s no recognition you’ll get from it and no conversation to have, what’s the endgame here?


-byb- t1_j6nvq6m wrote

I hate to break it to you but you are just a fractal of my perceived reality. time exists when I awaken and only together do we sleep.


Adaptiveslappy t1_j6nw3rl wrote

Any one who disagrees with you is automatically not real… interesting way to protect one’s beliefs

Hoping this is copypasta


CircaSixty8 t1_j6nxbr9 wrote

Why would you delete it? Stand by what you said. Just because the first five or six people didn't resonate with it today doesn't mean it wasn't worth saying. You'll never influence anyone if you're going to act like a petulant child when people don't throw you a parade for every thought. You might want to throw in a hefty dose of humility while you're at it.