npete t1_j3cs6tt wrote
Reply to comment by gvictor808 in I asked chatgpt to write a UN resolution in favor of universal basic income, and this is what it returned. by AnneBancroftsGhost
So you’re cool with government telling us how to live our lives? I’m not. Just because it’s “free money from the government, I don’t think that gives the government the right to determine what the money is used for. This reminds me of all the judgmental bullshit Fox News used to spout about “poor” people owning “expensive luxuries” like VCRs and refrigerators. In my mind it’s no longer a free country when the government dictates how you spend your money.
gvictor808 t1_j3cte2h wrote
Government can dictate how to spend the money they give away for free (UBI $, welfare, health care stipend, food stipend). The money I earn will be in BTC, and remains separate.
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