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Pickledicklepoo t1_j3fqnth wrote

Well, think about diabetes for example. It isn’t a death sentence because there are treatments and things you can do to manage how the condition progresses but if you don’t have access to those treatments it’s gonna be a bad time for your longevity. A cure would mean you get a treatment that means you no longer have diabetes and you no longer need to worry about managing it or taking regular treatments to keep it from progressing. Likewise we wouldn’t say we have cured a cancer until we know that it has been completely eliminated with the underlying mutation or trigger or cause so to speak repaired or removed. Even when we can no longer detect cancer in a persons body it is not called cured if it had spread throughout the body it’s simply called “no evidence of disease” because it is likely it will ultimately cause trouble elsewhere in the body. If cancer has not yet spread and is removed then in theory that would be a cure yes.


PixelizedPlayer t1_j3g0za1 wrote

Isn't the idea of a vaccine being your immune learns to deal with it so its not a lifelong treatment of taking medication like diabetes? So is that comparable ?


Pickledicklepoo t1_j3hdip6 wrote

Yes, however that might be a bit of a blurry line depending on if this is a vaccine you must get boosters for for the rest of your life or if it’s a single treatment.