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Hexabunz t1_j54zsg2 wrote

Not sure about exceed, I also saw someone asking chatGPT if x's mom has four kids, three of them are called a,b and c, what's the name of the fourth... to which it didn't know the answer even when given a hint that the answer is in the q lol


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j550t30 wrote

Except AI is already exceeding most people’s abilities as we speak… AI just passed the bar exam. Can the average person do that? AI beat humans in an art competition last year. Humans haven’t beat AI in a chess tournament in like 15 years. And it’s still only in its infancy. Think about what it’ll be capable of in 5 years.


solardeveloper t1_j553siy wrote

You're comparing purpose built AI with average human for the bar exam?

And chess is also not a great example, as there are finite number of possible moves. In any system requiring significant inductive reasoning, or environments that are unstructured/chaotic, AI typically struggles without extensive human guidance.


iamnearlysmart t1_j557zlb wrote

I pointed out chess thing in a thread a couple of weeks ago and got downvoted to hell. People simply don’t understand that the best human players haven’t been able to beat best chess engines for years now. An discussion from 2010 -

Anything that’s formulaic, computers have been better at it for years. But it hasn’t made it irrelevant. We still have chess tournaments because it’s a sport and we want to see human greatness and excellence. Not the limits of chess game play.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j554ioa wrote

Irrelevant. You’ve said nothing that disproves that AI is still capable of exceeding human abilities already. AI is already more accurate than doctors. Thinking AI won’t eventually exceed even the best human minds in pretty much every sector is basically the same as those morons who thought the internet was a fad that would die out in the first five years.


drewbreeezy t1_j557i7q wrote

A calculator exceeds human abilities regarding math.

A toaster exceeds human abilities regarding heat generation.

This "AI" is another tool we use.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j55863p wrote

The difference is that the tasks AI are beginning to beat us in are becoming increasingly more and more complex. AI is beginning to beat us at full jobs now. That’s different. Anyone who can’t see the upcoming paradigm shift AI will create is just willfully playing blind. The coming AI won’t just be another tool that helps us get the job done. It’ll soon do the job better than we ever could. Do you think that will have the same impact on society as a fucking toaster?


solardeveloper t1_j56hsng wrote

>full jobs

And thats only an issue for humans who treat themselves as tools to be used by someone else.

A value creator uses AI to generate value faster and cheaper. AI frees creators from having to do mundane tasks. People like you fear this seismic shift because all you can do is follow orders.

If you look at any of the prior 3 industrial revolutions, more jobs were created by technology replacing humans than jobs destroyed - but it also required the average worker to be increasingly skilled and fluent with the new tech.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j56j9mg wrote

Drop the pseudo-philosophical nonsense. Understanding the gravity and magnitude of something isn’t necessarily the same as fearing it. Don’t try and lecture me about this topic if you’re gonna make such ignorant assumptions.

And just so you know, past performance doesn’t necessarily always predict future events. So using the past to say “see, these other times such and such didn’t occur…” is fallacious thinking. You’re not the intellectual you seem to think you are if you couldn’t spot such an obvious fallacy in your logic tbh.


drewbreeezy t1_j55aznd wrote

>It’ll soon do the job better than we ever could.

So, like every single tool we invented?


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j55cbx8 wrote

No. A fucking paint brush simply helped you paint better. It didn’t paint the entire fucking picture for you. Rendering all of your skills and experience now useless in the process. Get it? That’s the difference between this coming wave of AI versus past “innovations”. If you can’t see the obvious nuance here, may God have mercy on your naive, oblivious soul tbh. 😂 You likely won’t be ready for the upcoming seismic shifts these new technologies will create.


drewbreeezy t1_j57c8bk wrote

I think it's more that I adapt to change quite easily and do it all the time, so the changes this will add over the years will be nothing spectacularly different for me.

I'll use it as another tool to make myself more useful to clients.


Hexabunz t1_j5533d4 wrote

That was mostly intended as a joke, but following your line of argument I'd argue there are areas where AI still cannot compete with humans, e.g. following your bar lead, some court cases are not won based on evidence but by appealing to the emotions of the jury. AI will only ever know what humans teach it, it can "invent" based on what it's taught :)
(obviously, not undermining the potential of AI in any way- huge fan here ;))


Callisto_NTG t1_j5580rf wrote

Yes but it has no awareness that it’s doing that. No understanding. It does not have thoughts.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j559g3r wrote

Why is that relevant to whether or not it completes the task better than us? You’re trying to move the goal post to something you think is uniquely human (vague shit like “thoughts” and “awareness”)

A thought is basically just an internal process, instruction, or reaction that stems from a change in the body or environment. In certain senses, any machine that can discern it’s environment (and facilitate internal reaction processes to that environment) can “think” technically. Thinking isn’t even some magical ability unique to us. Even some of the simplest life forms can “think”. AI is already showing promise in that area and will only get better with time.


Callisto_NTG t1_j559w42 wrote

I wasn’t saying you’re claiming that, my bad. I was just offering my response to how I think about ChatGPT.

I disagree about thinking though. Thinking isn’t simply processing information (which our computers already do). And being a person (which I know you aren’t claiming chatGPT to be) requires awareness and subjectivity. Which clever AI algorithms are not.

Whether we ever could create self aware, sentient, conscious AI, I have no clue.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j55b7dm wrote

>> disagree about thinking though. Thinking isn’t simply processing information (which our computers already do). And being a person (which I know you aren’t claiming chatGPT to be) requires awareness and subjectivity. Which clever AI algorithms are not.

Okay but I didn’t say it was merely processing information. It’s the combination of both processing the current stimuli and internally reacting to it. That’s it. Thinking isn’t really unique or special. Us humans are just used to being the best at it. That won’t last forever though. For better or worse.

>>Whether we ever could create self aware, sentient, conscious AI, I have no clue.

Many experts in the field see it as a matter of when, not if. Very few challenge “the singularity” as a concept. Only when it’ll occur.