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Codydw12 t1_j6e6l7n wrote

No. He's just another corporate executive. He might have his hands in some potentially altering technological companies like Neuralink and SpaceX but he him is just the CEO/owner/dictator/whatever authoritarian style he wants this week where as there's a lot of people who do the actual work for these companies who should be getting the recognition.

His wealth doesn't mean anything, his mindset isn't making the developments and his marketing is that of the first rich who needs eaten.


Anonymous_Asker0813 t1_j6e6tr9 wrote

His mindset is the reason SpaceX exists though. How do you find a way around that?


Codydw12 t1_j6e78f9 wrote

If it weren't him it'd be Bezos and Blue Origin, or Branson and Virgin. Musk has his eyes set on Mars when SpaceX is actually taking the steps to get to space first. Sure he put up the initial capital to get it going but he could walk away from the company today and it'd still go well.


TheAero1221 t1_j6e7zst wrote

Yeah but it wouldn't have started without him. A good business sense will help you find the right employees to make something work.


Cindexxx t1_j6e85rb wrote

Agreeing with the other commenter, really all he did is add money. It's not like SpaceX is the only player. He's not the mastermind of the tech either.


Anonymous_Asker0813 t1_j6e8cs7 wrote

Blue origin wouldn’t exist if SpaceX didn’t. Also blue origin is way behind.
