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cyberentomology OP t1_j41j5ds wrote

Some promising new developments on neuromodulation, hacking the nervous system for treating RA and other autoimmune disorders. This is far enough along that it should see larger scale clinical research this year.


BernieEcclestoned t1_j41qleo wrote

That is very interesting. I have ankylosing spondylitis and the mindful movements I was taught aim to stimulate the vagus nerve. One time I over did it with hyperventilating and passed out smacking my head on the toilet on the way down. I crawled out of the bathroom and lay on the floor where a beam of sunshine happened to fall on my face. Total bliss.


juxtoppose t1_j42w6ve wrote

My ex took her medication, handful of tablets knocked back in one, she lifted her chin up to swallow and just keeled over backwards and hit her head on the worktop. Apparently you can trip the vagus nerve in your neck if you swallow too much at once and black out. Full 10 min of telling her what happened repeatedly and her immediately forgetting what I said.