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luv-it t1_j48wduq wrote

No shit sherlock. NOR did I say they were. So, I didnt comment directly on the vax story, sue me. See the dipshit who responded first, posting vaccine shit to a comment that didn't even mention vaccines. I very clearly said, they haven't cured a SINGLE thing, EVER, and they haven't. And, they won't.

Here's a giant newsflash for you, they aren't looking for cures and they never have. Nor will they. NO PROFIT.

Vaccines are great, but the big point no one gets is that as long as people are satisfied with vaccines, vaccine is all they ever acheive, it's all they ever will acheive.

There isn't going to EVER be a vax for cancer because that isn't what cancer is or how it works.

Cancer isn't communicable, not a virus, nor even a bacteria. It's mutated cell growth, you can't vax mutations, thats not how it works.


QueerAsInFUN t1_j495jdv wrote

Are you always this much of a ray of sunshine? I read what you said. I understood what you said.

mRNA has been studied for its potential in cancer treatment, not cure. Your right, it doesn’t cure cancer, but the hope is that it will do the same thing it did with the COVID vaccine: train your body to recognize and fight tumour cells. It might be the one good thing that might have come out of this pandemic is the mRNA technology expedited, allowing now for research to be expanded on how it can be used as a therapy.

Of course, sure there’s no money in the cure, but I also don’t live in a country where I have to pay for insulin. 🤷🏻‍♀️


luv-it t1_j49b7d8 wrote

I tell it like it is. If that's not shiny enough, sorry, not sorry.

They've "studied" everything from mRNA to window cleaner because they have to show "something" for the billions they've bilked everyone out of for 100 years of "research" that's gone exactly nowhere and never will.