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candykissnips t1_j67q35w wrote

If all else remained the same, how would global warming change if every automobile was electric?


Realistic_Turn2374 t1_j67uqtd wrote

I made I quick search on the internet. Apparently cars, vans, buses and trucks account for 20% of carbon global emissions. If they were all electric, there would still produce some CO2, but from what I have read, it would account for somewhere between 6 to 8% of the global emissions today, and it will be less if we use more renewable energies to produce electricity, so we can expect that number to be lower in the future.

That wouldn't be enough to stop global warming completely, but the difference is huge.


candykissnips t1_j69m314 wrote

And what percentage of global co2 emissions are man made? I’ve read that it’s less than 5%, so that would mean that automobiles make up around .01% of global co2 emissions.
