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farticustheelder t1_j4n1xsd wrote

I have argued the same for a couple of years.

The mass media being owned and operated by the folks who also own and operate fossil fuels has been busy lying about the pace of the transition for years.

The BS dies in 2023. Germany's EV penetration rate went from 0.3% in 2013 to 3% in 2019, to 30% in 2022. So extrapolating we get 300% in the middle of 2024! That's silly of course but not nearly as silly as politicians* telling us that ICE vehicles will still be 50% of car sales in 2035! That is brain damage level dumb.

The transition just kicked into high gear and there are going be some very chaotic episodes. I call this phase the Jack, be nimble! time.

*guess who owns and operates politicians...


Outrageous-Echo-765 t1_j4no2c0 wrote

I just saw a post in r/capitalism or something about how "renewables are dying". I struggle to understand how one can see the exponential growth, and how over 80% of global newly installed capacity comes from renewables and still confidently say stuff like that.


Rofel_Wodring t1_j4qgjsc wrote

You don't understand it because you're either not zealous enough or not cynical enough. And let's be real here: there's a reason why the cynics think they'll get their way, no matter what Mother Nature nor the rest of human civilization thinks.


fluteofski- t1_j4qir3i wrote

Oh yeah. I saw that too. That was such a weird read. I even struggle with understanding how people oppose the idea of renewables as well… I have a former buddy who is super opposed to solar, and insists that paying his electricity provider whatever the rates are is the morally correct thing to do.


GPT-5entient t1_j4ra5r3 wrote

30% EV penetration rate? Does that mean 30% of new cars are EVs in Germany? I believe that, but it's still shocking. In a good way of course.


farticustheelder t1_j4rdqvu wrote

That's the annual rate for 2022. In December Germany hit 55.4% plugin sales.


GPT-5entient t1_j4reoec wrote

Wow, that's amazing! I hope they will turn their nuclear plants on again since if they are charging these EVs with electricity from lignite power plants that is not great...


PhDinDildos_Fedoras t1_j4reuy2 wrote

Anyone who asks me, I always recommend investing in greentech stocks. Some of those are really undervalued right now. They're also kind of a pain to find information on, which contributes to them being undervalued.