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Tech_Philosophy t1_j4qjqj0 wrote

> Yeah, still a major problem, don't know why the morons are downvoting you.

I'm going to repost my comment to OP here for you as well. I genuinely do not see the issue here and do not understand how we are all not on the same page.

Heat-pumps are about 400% efficient now and work down to -20 for the latest models.

Remember, heat-pumps generate NO heat whatsoever, they simply move heat from one location (often the atmosphere) to another (like your home or hot water tank). It is energetically much cheaper to move heat than to create it. Thinking of it like that, the sun is what is doing about 80% of the work when you use a heat-pump.

Burning gas or anything else on site will be 4-6 times less efficient, even if you are getting all your electricity from fossil fuels (you most likely are not, because it is 2023, not 2003).


Northstar1989 t1_j4svkl5 wrote

>work down to -20 for the latest models.

Models that are are incredibly expensive.

It's going to take some subsidies to get off home heating oil. That was my entire thesis, and anyone who thinks it will naturally happen quickly enough through Capitalism and technological progress to save the (already very much screwed) planet without them is delusional...