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omfg100 t1_j4o43ks wrote

This reminds me of that movie snowpiercer where the poor peasants were forced to eat bugs while the rich enjoyed real meat.


Dull-Contact120 t1_j4oj999 wrote

Roach bricks, coming to a ghetto near you.


AdvancedCharcoal t1_j4oqmj6 wrote

Roach is a extremely renewable and easily obtainable food source. They’re everywhere and easy to breed. All you have to do is never clean, or throw out the trash. In fact they make life easier! Win win for everyone.


[deleted] t1_j4p7hwi wrote

Actually I've eaten roaches before and they are delicious.


Pubelication t1_j4q3xj5 wrote

Also, no need for a fridge. Just lift your matress and lunch is almost ready. Fun for the whole family.