Submitted by vpuetf t3_10dy0q7 in Futurology
thorsten139 t1_j4osafn wrote
steaks for the rich, mealworm patties for the poor.
ToothlessGrandma t1_j4p5qak wrote
Good luck with that. People refused to wear masks, you think the average person is going to eat meal worms. The rich people won't have anywhere to hide.
thorsten139 t1_j4pb7j1 wrote
It will be subtle.
Restrictions on cattle rearing due to climate change.
Scarcity makes price increase exponentially andmeat alternatives becoming mainstream.
UnionMountain4680t t1_j4qc38r wrote
And some positive PR on how bugs are healthy. Some cool pixar movies about how bugs are great and we are there. But I guess this is a great thing for everybody!?:)
Littleman88 t1_j4qn14j wrote
Not sure they could positively spin eating bugs.
They could however, make eating bugs out to be owning the libs and get at least half the population on board. The same half that would sooner see the atmosphere burn before giving up pork and beef at that.
I make no apologies for my previous statement, as I'm under the impression lefties are more likely to go vegan/bugs than the right. Gotta know what you're dealing with when you propose massive societal change.
UnionMountain4680t t1_j4tgg9y wrote
I think left is more open to change by design no? :) I think this is a matter of perception- a lot of stuff that is okay today was considered bad before, but eating might just be a more extreme case, but extreme times extreme measures maybe?:)
thorsten139 t1_j4qjmd8 wrote
It's a great thing if everyone is eating bugs. Not the rich eating beef and the poor eating bugs heh
UnionMountain4680t t1_j4tfxi4 wrote
Well that will feel not fair for sure but net is still better no?) but if fairness is important then maybe not so great yeah)
thorsten139 t1_j4tjovq wrote
they aren't mutually exclusive.
you can just have everyone eat bugs whether they are rich or poor.
UnionMountain4680t t1_j4uso7q wrote
Yep sure. I am okay with bugs and probably everyone will or even should be okay. I think this is a matter of perception. I am from the place where it is okay to eat horses and dogs (but in minority still) and oh do I have a looks in my life abroad hehe but for me it is absolutely the same being lamb or dog and vast majority of people think I am totally wrong:)
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