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SlouchyGuy t1_j4oyihk wrote

We already eat them - shrimp, crabs, crawfish


Devlos00 t1_j4p463r wrote

Who is we? I don’t eat those things.


ToothlessGrandma t1_j4p5u6x wrote

Neither do I, and I wish people would stop calling them bugs. That's a clear attempt at gaslighting the situation. The average person doesn't think of those things when someone says bugs.

Never once in my entire life have I thought of sea creatures as bugs.


dehehn t1_j4p66q3 wrote

Insects are descended from marine crustaceans.


w0mbatina t1_j4pafqy wrote

Yeah and cows are descended from fish, but you dont see them on a seafood platter.


dehehn t1_j4pbryf wrote

Except spiders actually look like crabs. Cows don't look like fish.


Pubelication t1_j4q2qzh wrote

> Except spiders actually look like crabs.

Yeah, if you're looking through a bottle of vodka.


dehehn t1_j4qzp8v wrote

Uh. No. They're both 8 joint-legged creatures with bulbous bodies and exoskeletons. Compared to a fish and a cow they are extremely similar.

If ya'll want to convince yourself that eating crabs isn't gross I understand it. But it's pretty funny hearing you all act like they're not very close.

I'm happy you enjoy your ocean bugs.


ToothlessGrandma t1_j4p6e10 wrote

Who cares man. Nobody is calling shrimps bugs. That's your attempt at trying to make eating them more manageable. It's not going to work though.

Like I said, I've never in my life heard anyone refer to shrimp as bugs. You just can't all of a sudden start referring to them like that. It's not how the world works.


dehehn t1_j4pbzzg wrote

A lot of people think shrimp and crabs look like bugs. Myself included. Part of the reason I don't like crabs. And I hate shrimp when they have heads and feet still attached.

Don't know why you think I want you to eat bugs. I never said that. I don't want to eat insects or crab. I think all invertebrates are gross.


Mindrust t1_j4rn3j8 wrote

The difference is those things all live in the ocean, and not crawling on my leg at 3 AM when I'm in bed.