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shanoshamanizum OP t1_j6mu5qg wrote

The fact that you can compare it precisely confirms the freedom of choice that we are talking about.


bigUKRAINIANcock t1_j6myx57 wrote

Why do you think there will be one centralised AI and not one centralised search engine?


shanoshamanizum OP t1_j6mz1c0 wrote

It's not about AI vs search engines it's about indexed user content vs officially approved single source of truth.


bigUKRAINIANcock t1_j6n0ome wrote

This has basically already happened. Pure indexed user content does not exist. Search engines already use algorithms as well as manual overrides to control what information you receive.

Some small groups of people will try to preserve the truth but they will probably be subjected to increasing persecution until they are snuffed out. Not looking good for humanity in the long-term