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seekknowledge4ever t1_j4zfzu7 wrote

When these businesses pay big. Dollars for services, they know what they are getting. In this case, they know they are buying a scam, to use as PR content.


johndeuff t1_j4zk4u8 wrote

Corporations didn’t buy this media coverage. Some Verra project are legit, many are scam. If Verra want to continue business they’ll have to adapt.


pawnografik t1_j52yyu2 wrote

Your first post made good sense; this one, not so much.


johndeuff t1_j549yff wrote

I changed it to what I really mean and be less specific to the previous post. I don’t believe protecting the forest and planting trees has to be a scam… but it can be and corporations have to spend more money on audit long term.