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thescrounger t1_ja9eijb wrote

remember Y2K? .... adding letters because comment was deemed too short by bot.


slow2lurn t1_jaad34s wrote

I was 14 during Y2K. That was the first time I heard of "preppers". And they were everywhere. Churches were hosting Y2K events like it was the apocalypse.... Weird times


enderverse87 t1_jaand0m wrote

Y2K only turned out fine because we spent years fixing it ahead of time. If somehow we had totally missed it until it happened it would have been really bad.

We'll probably have a few years notice for this as well, so it will probably also be not a huge deal.


Gopokes91 OP t1_ja9evn6 wrote

Wasn’t Y2K about the A.I take over?


thescrounger t1_ja9gqbt wrote

AI wasn't really a thing then. It was about every computer in the world not working because of the millennium rollover. Turns out that was ... not the case.


trajectoriously t1_ja9krub wrote

It wasn't a thing because many, many programmers spent many, many hours making updates.
The problem was very real, the solution was boring.


IcebergSlimFast t1_ja9ohfj wrote

Can confirm. Spent many, many hours making updates: very real problem, incredibly boring solution.


Gopokes91 OP t1_ja9i2c1 wrote

Ah, that makes more sense. Pardon my ignorance then.


-BroncosForever- t1_jaaeh0z wrote

Shit dude you’re making me feel old.

No one even knew what AI was back then

It was more about every computer malfunctioning at the same time because the coding of the years was only 2 digits so there was no way of logically putting coding in the year 2000 and beyond.

This did cause some glitches and stuff, but nothing crazy, people thought that nukes were going to go off and that airplanes would drop out of the sky and no form of communication.

I’m only 28 though so it’s not like I actually experienced it.


enderverse87 t1_jaanxl6 wrote

It was going to be bad, people tested it by setting the clocks forward on test versions of important systems. But because they tested it, they knew how to fix it to prevent everything from going crazy.


DadSnare t1_jab8qcq wrote

Well, except for the Spielberg movie, A.I., and countless books and tv shows but ok.