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Consensuseur t1_jaa7pys wrote

Reply to comment by Blu_Cloude in Magnetic pole reversal by Gopokes91

I don't mean this rudely...but do you even science much? Do you know any real scientists? Do you understand what motivates them? I don't understand how you can dismiss something so without more understanding of it. Scientists tend to be could've gone into finance or invented something profitable. But no, they gather and interpret data ... To find and explain correlations. Like if you had programming chops but taught coding at a high school instead of banking on your tech skills. It's more like that. Wind ,weather and tides are not magnetically driven. That's down to earths interaction with lunar gravity and incoming solar radiation, but not magnetism. IMO you might do well to reorient your axis of trust/suspicion so you don't get misinformed. Imagine how great it would be if the experts actually knew their stuff and you could believe them because they're obsessed with, above all, accuracy of information! Yes, tobacco and oil paid for bunk science and lied/ lie about their products harm but they're the exceptions. Astrophysicists aren't trying to fool you bro. The world is a better place than that. You can just Google:. "free access to scholarly journals/ articles"...many sources will be revealed.