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d5vour5r t1_j9thc4b wrote

Naive, while employer's may find someone from another part of the country to work cheaper (WFH) based on the cost of living; offshore resources rarely have the same output/competency as local resources.

I WFH 95% (rare customer site visit) and work a 4 day week (condensed hours). Several months ago I interviewed with a competitor (they sort me out) for a very senior role and after the first interview, I told them no thanks. 3 months later they called back wanting to tell me why I wasn't successful and see if I had given second thoughts to WFH! i told them I cancelled the application and their mandate of 5 days a week and 3 days min in the office was unacceptable.

WFH is here to stay for many and 4 day weeks will be the norm in 5 years. My current employer has mentioned my output and general happiness has increased since WFH and further increased with the move to 4 days.


daveescaped t1_j9tislk wrote

I’m naive? You have a vested interest in the topic.
