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Shoddy_Bus4679 t1_j9uajs4 wrote

I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

You working at the office does not prevent your employer IN ANY WAY from still trying to outsource your expensive ass.

Trust me I know, this was my line of work. We’d replace 7 local employees with some code and 2 people in Lithuania all the time. The fact that the 7 local employees worked in office changed absolutely nothing.


daveescaped t1_j9ubbtw wrote

My job can’t be outsourced. It could be eliminated. But it can’t be outsourced. But I’m unconcerned. I only have 5 years until I retire at 55. And if they eliminated my job now I’d get a significant severance package.

How’s that for a little secret?


Shoddy_Bus4679 t1_j9ucf1l wrote

I don’t really get what you’re trying to say?

I was responding to your idea that being remote means they’ll start outsourcing you. They’ll start outsourcing you regardless.