AngryWookiee t1_j7dsqyu wrote
Topsoil depletion will be an issue in future if we don't start using more sustainable farming practices. There is less than 60 years of good harvests unless we do something.
Phosphorus shortage in fertilizer will be another issue.
Ok-Career876 t1_j7fsmbf wrote
Who is working on these very important issues. Arent the rich people in huge corporations and governments also concerned about not having food to eat?
AngryWookiee t1_j7fuw4y wrote
Most first world country governments are encouraging farmers to plant more cover crops and do more no till farming. Conventional agriculture is combed with organic practices. I've also read that the 60 years thing is overhyped... even when I look at other articles they are all over the place in the amount of good years left.
Scientists are looking at how to breed/engineer plants that are more efficent in phosphorus uptake. I am not sure what they are doing beyond this. Peak phosphorus was expected be around 2030 but they may have found more sources.
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