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a_holzbaur t1_j9twjoj wrote

And your point is? You are still talking about the purchase of a car. OP clearly stated lease, and you can lease a Toyota around $25k for not much more than $250. So your entire premise is incorrect.


maskedpaki t1_j9tyouu wrote

I'd be curious about what restrictions come with these 270$ leases

I imagine you basically can't drive your car over whatever arbitrary miles /day they set. In which case I wouldn't take a lease even for 150$ a month.


a_holzbaur t1_j9tzgr7 wrote


$269/month for 10k miles annually. $275/month for 12k miles annually. $286/month for 15k miles annually.

Any other excuses you’d like to find for a legitimate pricing offer? Arbitrary rules? These are pretty basic rules for how a lease is handled. And the mileage terms offered as standard (10k, 12k, 15k) absolutely are the industry standard.