Submitted by ek612 t3_10vh0wf in Futurology
Submitted by ek612 t3_10vh0wf in Futurology
I guess my first question could be what actionable things could you be talking about with them? Most people have no way to impact the future, so unless they are naturally curious about something and have an interest to learn; what constructive conversation could you have with them in the first place?
Also what specifically are you wanting to talk about with people? "The future" can cover just about anything
Bring up a possible future scenario in one of its positive aspects, and base the discussion off of that.
So instead of - AI that can do the work of humans leading to unemployment, point out how great it will be that when AI replaces doctors, that everyone in the developing world will have equal access to this cheap, almost free resource.
I used to think there was a future. We were told of flying cars. We were promised an easier life. We were promised advances in society, that would make life easier... for EVERYONE.
In my over 50 years it the same old BS over and over, reimagined as new. Nothing has changed at all. New technologies? nope. just fancier versions of what we already had. Even television is just rehashed old themes redone with nice window dressing.
There is no future for us. Until we realize we have to cooperate together to bring it by reimagining every system we currently use. EVERY ONE.
Competition isn't working as the cheapest most inexpensive solution isn't an answer, as provided by capitalistic competition.
And people are too dumb to even realize it because they're too busy trying to stay alive on this stress drenched globe.
On purpose, because it easily could be very different. Any ONE BILLIONAIR could fix things in a day, but won't.
Where is Batman? /lol
If I’m talking for any amount of time, I end up bringing up future things I’m worried about and asking why isn’t anyone doing anything, are our leaders morons or something? And then everyone gets excited to talk about how the leaders are morons. That’s the hook
I have a group of college buddies. We have been friends for 40 years despite having some different religious and/political views. Someone once asked how we stayed friends for so long. One buddy responded “we discuss sports, music, pussy, food and our kids. We don’t discuss politics or religion.” Truth is I love each of them and couldn’t care less about their politics or religious views. First people I think pf if something good or bad happens in my life. My apologies for the crass verbiage in the quote.
You mean you discuss what’s important in your daily living with peoples you trust? That is good living right there. That’s also a good point for the future.
You’re not going to save the future by discussing this with your family, it’s even extremely unlikely that you’ll change anyone’s opinion because, well, family.
Keep the family peace, discuss this stuff with friends instead.
>I’m wondering: What questions or approaches have you used to bring up the topic of the future in a constructive way?
You don't, unless you feel like lying. Because A) people can't even agree on what's the problem and B) the present is pretty bad and nothing about the immediate future suggests it will get better.
Because lies are corrosive and the truth hurts -- just don't bring it up unless the other person does. Ever. Not even in a constructive discussion sense, because that is impossible to make that happen on your own terms. Your attempts to have a civil discussion will only result in more stress and anxiety.
So just don't bring it up. Ever.
I think personally that we'll need some form of Universal Basic Dividend that every company pays into a public trust going directly to the people, so that we can continue to benefit from businesses in a more direct way and remove the adversarial relationship that'll most likely develop between workers and AI.
[deleted] t1_j7hddyg wrote