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merkitt t1_j7ldft6 wrote

Do you now believe the battery breakthrough announcements from 5-6 years ago? Because that's at least how long it takes for something proven in the lab to be commercially mass produced. Current EVs literally have double the range of the first EV I bought.


Few-Swordfish-780 t1_j7le1wb wrote

Yes, I believed them when they actually came to market.


dryfire t1_j7mlume wrote

Sounds like /r/futurology might not be your cup of tea. Early looks at unproven tech is kinda it's whole thing.


Orc_ t1_j7o8hjt wrote

yea this isn't /r/technology, a lot of users here need to chill with the "BUT WHAT IS THE MSRP AND RELEASE DATE?!".