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boynamedsue8 t1_j8zr5kq wrote

Check out this movie! I believe it was filmed back in 2014. Changed my perspective The Heavenly Creature. Park Do-won (Kim Kang-woo), a young technician employed by robotics corporation UR International, is called out to check an RU-4 robot named In-myung (voiced by Park Hae-il) employed at a Buddhist monastery.


DWright_5 t1_j8zrgh4 wrote

Nine years ago has nothing to do with 2023. You know that, right?

Edit to add: yet another coward who deleted his posts without answering any of my questions after becoming embarrassed at themselves


boynamedsue8 t1_j8zrp7g wrote

Hey asshat. I grew up in the 90’s with AI turning into the terminator. So when this movie came out in 2014 completely flipped the script and the whole concept. And yes it is relevant because in 2023 people believe it cannot become sentient.