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t1_j9iekys wrote

how is that even remotely anarchy? it's authoritarianism. it's HOW they make money. they go strong arm companies. russia sent KGB (FSB, but let's be real here) into companies and forced them to sign them over to government officials at gunpoint. go watch a documentary on the magnitsky thing if you haven't. it's insane. the magnitsky act that the UN used to sanction russia came from the name of the lawyer that was killed by the Kremlin for defending an American businessman that they tried to do the same thing to, but luckily he was smarter than them. unfortunately the brave russian lawyer died for his bravery. trump would do the same crap here. he was already doing shady shit WHILE in office. like forced govt. trips to stay in his hotels, and then price gouged them more than their normal price. that goes beyond conflict of interest. but I digress

I'm not saying there isn't any truth to some of what you said, as there is certainly a lot of corrupt lobbying going on, as we know large corps basically have a huge influence on politics. but that doesn't excuse the ONE party that is openly trying to burn the country and democracy to the ground while pulling a russia and falsely trying to redirect the blame


t1_j9f523w wrote

You are living in a fantasy world. You need to get in touch with reality.
