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ChainmailleAddict t1_j9toyff wrote

Alright, well, businesses are going to fight to lower their costs no matter what so it's not like we can slow down automation by much either. We need to switch to some form of UBI or UBD where companies pay a % of their profits directly into a public trust to be paid towards everyone, to eliminate the adversarial relationship between human and machine. Otherwise everyone starves and has even LESS power.


DunkingDognuts t1_j9tr8c7 wrote

Go ahead and contact Peter Thiel, Larry Ellison, Tim Cook, Goldman Sachs, Robert, Mercer, etc., etc., and propose to them that they take a large portion of their business profits, and just simply give them to people who have no jobs.

Let me know how that works out for you.

They don’t care. They’ve never cared.


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9tz0m2 wrote

Whoopdeedoo, I'm obviously some naive idiot who thinks billionaires care about us! That's why I'm a leftist, mhm!

Oh man, if only there were some way that we the people could enact changes over these predatory businesses. Thing is, you provide no alternative. You're acting as though things won't be automated if we just ask them nicely. You're falling victim to the very thing you're accusing me of, just coming at it from a personal angle instead of a societal one.

I'm not saying UBI/UBD as a solution is likely, I'm just saying that we basically have two outcomes here, and this is the better one by far. The money and resources are there, we have them. The question is just in distribution.


DunkingDognuts t1_j9udnlu wrote

And again, while I agree, it’s a great idea in theory, getting a group of greedy sociopaths, to agree to give a large portion of what they consider to be “their money” to people they consider to be “lazy, unemployed people” is going to be a challenge that will rock the ages


ChainmailleAddict t1_j9un0se wrote

On that we agree. We need to do away with Citizens United, establish ranked-choice voting, end dark money and stop congresspeople from trading specific stocks at the very least.