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UniversalMomentum t1_ja0jmau wrote

What we need is substance you could inject and then use to make a high Precision map of the brain... Would be the beginning of making potentially full copies of the human brain which then could be rendered in a compiter someday.

I really need brain computer interfaces I just want to copy the entire human brain and then have it sitting around until be rendered in a computer.

Planet can't really survive if the lifespan of humans is too long...but copying the human brain into a computer would allow you to offer effective imnortalty without needing infinite resources and Dysons spheres and could make longer distance space travel possible because you're 100% tied to your squishy little biological body.

Implants on the others and I don't see really having a huge Market.

Holographic displays and better ways to interact with the computer sure, but the benefit of a neurological implant is going to have to be in the realm of f****** huge to be worth the effort even just injecting gel into your brain whatever that might do.