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Codydw12 t1_j878j1e wrote

Because they keep taking money from it with no intention of paying it back


Existing_Display1794 t1_j87a0il wrote

Yup. Both parties do it but GOP is way more anti democracy. Pete Buttigeg refuses to reinstate Obama era brake policies that would have prevented the train derailment in Ohio that Trump took away. Money runs both parties but I still just vote blue because one side has just completely lost their minds wanting to establish an authoritarian theocracy which closely resembles the damn Taliban.


SadAd9756 t1_j87isrh wrote

This literally is the dumbest thing I have read on here in a while. The delusion is strong with this one!!!


GoneFishingFL t1_j87gec7 wrote

both sides want to establish authoritarianism .. the left will just do it by controlling the handouts. I have know fucking clue what the right is doing, but if you think they actually have a plan vs running around like fucking idiots, you're a better man than I


Existing_Display1794 t1_j8alg2j wrote

When did Democrats try to take over democracy? Who attempted a coup and work to gerrymander and make voting difficult for people? You’re equivalency is a fallacy. Next you’re going to compare Bernie sanders to Kim Jung un lol.


GoneFishingFL t1_j8c1vid wrote

democrats gerrymander too.. not really a secret.

Democracy?/Sanders.. how about when the dnc turned and worked against sanders so hillary could be on the ticket? Against the voters will?

> You’re equivalency is a fallacy

This is a weird statement given the state of current affairs.

Democracy, has already been taken over by populists who peddle the idea that you are better off when the government takes care of you. The free press which is supposed to protect democracy, in many cases finds itself a willing/unwilling partner in it's demise.

Let me ask you this. If a major incident were to occur, say something that had the potential to shake up the party in power.. say it's the party right now.. do you believe it would get the play time it deserves, do you think the truth will be curated by some deeply committed journalist that believes in democracy so much, he puts everything at stake to get the story? Or, do you believe the party in power, knowing that something was going to leak out would first meet with it's incident handlers, "leak" it to a few trusted journalists who downplay the incident and then call their partners in the media and persuade them of the narrative?

As a nation, we've got our heads so far up our ass, that if something doesn't change soon, we are all screwed.. for several generations