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NakedPlasticChicks t1_j87bu7q wrote

.....The U.S. is the richest country in the world. Try again.


AdeptusDakkatist t1_j87c7h3 wrote

Okay, second try:

My first point. Such a system is only possible in a world of saints. In our world the system would, in the end, only abuse those most in need, and in all likelihood just lead to corruption. Greed is a powerful thing, and it festers when there's that much money being gathered and redistributed.


NakedPlasticChicks t1_j87h5mo wrote

And the system we have now works perfectly well, right, and isn't currently abusing poor people? lol okay. The point is, the U.S. is capable of implementing a system that benefits everyone. We're already corrupt by greedy people and corporations.

The U.S. is literally the only developed nation in the world that doesn't have a universal healthcare system. No, it doesn't take saints to make it work.


AdeptusDakkatist t1_j87hcuh wrote

The system we have now is trash. I'm of the (admittedly nihilistic) opinion that nothing that replaces it will be materially better.

I want universal healthcare as much as the next 20 something. I just don't agree that the US is capable of it.


NakedPlasticChicks t1_j87i0bv wrote

It's absolutely capable of it, but okay. We know how to do it, but until politicians are unable to be bribed and corporations aren't worshipped, no, we won't get anywhere. I have some faith that as Gen Zs come into the world of politics, we could see some shifts.


AdeptusDakkatist t1_j87i563 wrote

I admire your optimism. I hope you're right. I hope I'm wrong.


NakedPlasticChicks t1_j87icc6 wrote

But I totally understand. This country sucks. I'm sorry if my responses were a bit snarky.


AdeptusDakkatist t1_j87jzdo wrote

Don't be. I'm a little too pessimistic myself, and on some level the snark reminds me that this is just Reddit, and we're just normal people throwing our ideas around. Sorry for my attitude, and safe travels in cyberspace.